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I thought the seminar below can be interesting for many.


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From: Migration Policy Centre <migration@eui.eu>
Date: Tuesday, 3 December 2024 at 12:24
To: Fatima Silpagar <Fatima.Aynur.Silpagar@vub.be>
Subject: Hybrid seminar | 11 December | Migrant smugglers' narratives in TikTok

How does social media shape narratives of irregular journeys?

TikTok trails: Decoding migrant smugglers' visual narratives in migration advertising

MPC Seminar


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11 December 2024
15:00 - 16:00 CET
In Florence and online




In the last MPC Seminar of this year, Luigi Achilli will examine the messages migrant smugglers employ on TikTok to advertise irregular migration services. 

This approach contributes to debates on the decentralisation of narrative power in migration governance.

Based on a paper that analyses 117 videos posted between January 2023 and April 2024, Luigi will analyse how smugglers construct narratives emphasising safety, trust, and even defiance, in stark contrast to securitised and victim-centric portrayals by mainstream actors such as governments and NGOs.




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Luigi Achilli is a Part-time Assistant Professor at the Migration Policy Centre. He holds a PhD in political anthropology from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).

His research focuses on irregular migration, transnational crime, human trafficking and human smuggling, refugee studies, political engagement and nationalism, and the Palestinian issue. He is the co-author of the book 'Global human smuggling: buying freedom in a retreating world'.

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