We will be on the writing treat but still wanted to share.


From: Alessandra Rossetti <Alessandra.Rossetti@vub.be>
Date: Thursday, 5 December 2024 at 11:50
Cc: Marie Lucille Pfeiffer <Marie.Lucille.Pfeiffer@vub.be>, Maxime Smits <Maxime.Smits@vub.be>, Cristina Garcia Timermans <Cristina.Garcia.Timermans@vub.be>, Mohammad Boroun <Mohammad.Boroun@vub.be>
Subject: EU Grant Writing Workshop: 12-13 February 2025

Dear professor, dear researcher,


Our European Research and Innovation Support team at TechTransfer is happy to announce the next EU Grant Writing Workshop on 12-13 February 2025. We will start with a more theoretical day on EU funding applications, followed by a day of hands-on, practical exercises.


You will gain the essential skills and insights to secure funding for collaborative European projects (Pillar 2, 3 and WIDERA) in Horizon Europe… Plus we will provide good coffee and biscuits. 😉


VUB researchers from all disciplines are welcome, so please share widely with your network.


More info and registration: https://www.vubtechtransfer.be/grant-writing-workshop


Hope to see you there!


Kind regards,

Alessandra (on behalf of the EU Research and Innovation Support team)












European Research & Innovation Support


M   +32 (0)47 67 03 900


Vicerectorate Innovation & Industry Relations


Pleinlaan 11 - 1050 Brussel 





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