Hi all,

Please see Leo's email below. If it applies to you, please add our outputs in the following Excel file:

Publication Overview.xlsx

I have already added the information from our existing DICE overview. 
If you have trouble editing, feel free to send me your information and I'll integrate it.

All the best,

From: Leo VAN AUDENHOVE <Leo.Van.Audenhove@vub.be>
Sent: 02 February 2024 10:19
To: Wouter Grove <wgrove@uwc.ac.za>; Natasha Katunga <nkatunga@uwc.ac.za>; Leonora Craffert <lcraffert@uwc.ac.za>; Carlynn Pokpas <cpokpas@uwc.ac.za>; Sive Mange <Sive.Mange@vub.be>; Cora Van Leeuwen <Cora.van.Leeuwen@vub.be>; Franz-Ferdinand Rothe <Rothe.Franz-Ferdinand@vub.be>; addaniels <addaniels@uwc.ac.za>; Lotte Vermeire <Lotte.Vermeire@vub.be>; dice_smit <dice_smit@vub.be>
Subject: Publications last years and upcoming

Dear all,


We as a group receive funding from VUB as part of a Joint Research Centre between VUB and UWC. I need to report on this and apply for funding for the next 3 years. I would like all of you who work at CoLAB, work at SMIT with a relation to SA, or work on topics related to ICT4D to provide us with:


  1. An overview of publications of the last 3 years (and conferences);
  2. An indication of whether it is a joint publication;
  3. An overview of what is in the pipeline at the moment (realistically to be submitted  in 2024)


I need this by Wednesday next week the latest.


Can I ask Franz to help me gather and process this? And to cowrite the application?




