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From: carpentier nico <nico.carpentier@commlist.org>
Date: Wednesday, 17 July 2024 at 08:45
To: commlist@commlist.org <commlist@commlist.org>
Subject: [Commlist] *Digital Ethnography and Participatory Methods One-day Symposium

*/Digital Ethnography and Participatory Methods One-day Symposium/*
*/Utrecht University/*
*/October 26 (Deadline for expression of interest: September 30)/ *
*Keynote: **Prof. Annette Markham*
We invite you to participate in a day of exchange and reflection about
the ways digital ethnography can be used in research that is oriented
towards public engagement and societal impact.

In this one-day symposium, we aim to bring together academic researchers
from across universities and disciplines who have experience and/or
affinity with ethnographic research methods for
researching digital technologies and their societal influences. The goal
is to spark conversation and brainstorm solutions to some of the
challenges we face when pursuing participatory research, public
engagement, and societally relevant and collaborative scholarly inquiry
in an increasingly digitally oriented world.

*What are the practical obstacles, ethical challenges, and conceptual
tensions we grapple with when seeking to align our research with the
needs and concerns of societal partners?* How can our work meaningfully
engage with civil society actors, ranging from NGO practitioners,
journalists, civil servants, marginalized communities, activists,
artists, and policymakers? These are some of the questions we will
workshop together in breakout discussions.

The number of places is limited, so if you are interested in
participating,<https://forms.gle/KNYKhXSbuXUB8ZFu8>*please fill out this
online form*
September 30th* <https://forms.gle/KNYKhXSbuXUB8ZFu8>, 2024. The details
you submit will help inform the content of the program. We welcome
participation from all levels of academia, including PhD researchers and
temporary lecturers.

The day will be kicked off by a *Keynote Talk by Prof. Annette Markham*,
who holds a Chair in Future Data Literacies and Public Engagement at
Utrecht University’s Media and Culture Studies Department. The breakout
*workshop sessions* will be followed by a *roundtable
discussion* involving experts in publicly
engaged digital ethnographic methods. We will close the day with drinks
and informal networking.

Date: October 26, 12.00-17.00
Location: Drift 21, Utrecht University (central campus)

This symposium is organized with the support of the Digital Society
framework of the National Research Agenda and the RMeS Research School
for Media Studies. If you have questions, please contact the organizing
team via Donya Alinejad (Media and Culture Studies Department, UU) at
d.alinejad@uu.nl <mailto:d.alinejad@uu.nl> or Claudia Minchilli (Center
for Media and Journalism Studies, RUG) c.minchilli@rug.nl

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