Dear all,
Next JC tomorrow tuesday at 2 pm in the Sancton room.
Xander will talk about Glueball dark matter with and 1704.01804 .
See you,
Dear All,
I'm happy to announce the seminar of Santiago Jaraba (Madrid IFT) next week Friday 27 October at 11:00 in the room G.1.03 - J. Sacton (Building G) at VUB.
Here the webpage of the event:
Santiago will talk about
Title: "Black hole hyperbolic encounters: numerical simulations and stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds"
Abstract: "In this seminar, I will discuss hyperbolic encounters between black holes from two perspectives. First, from a numerical-relativity approach, with a focus on the emitted gravitational waves and a comparison to the standard binary black hole (BBH) case. Then, I will touch upon the spin-induction effect these black holes undergo when the encounters are close enough, discussing the consequences this has for the field of primordial black holes. The second part of the talk will concentrate on the stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds these hyperbolic encounters generate, discussing the main differences with the one produced by BBHs and addressing their detectability with current and next-generation detectors."
Hope to see you all there,
Alberto Mariotti
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Phone: +32 (0) 2 629 32 15
E-mail: alberto.mariotti(a)
Address: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Physics Department
Elementary Particles Research Group
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Alberto Mariotti
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Phone: +32 (0) 2 629 32 15
E-mail: alberto.mariotti(a)
Address: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Physics Department
Elementary Particles Research Group
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Facchinetti Gaëtan <gaetan.facchinetti(a)>
> Subject: Re: ULB PhysTH Seminar by Simon Clery - 10/13/2023 at 11 am
> Date: 18 October 2023 at 14:23:53 CEST
> To: GRP_ULB_PhysTh <GRP_phys_th(a)>, GRP_ULB_Sem_Add <GRP_physth_sem(a)>
> Resent-From: <alberto.mariotti(a)>
> Dear All,
> This week we have the pleasure to welcome Simon Clery (IJCLab, Université Paris-Saclay) who will give us a seminar on Friday the 20th of October at 11am in room 2.N7.110 (building NO, campus Plaine). He will tell us about
> Gravitational production of matter and radiation during reheating
> I present some new results on particle production during the reheating after inflation. We focus on the late-time evolution of the scalar inflationary field, during its coherent oscillation regime. We specifically consider the production of dark matter and radiation, restricting our attention to gravitational interactions, including minimal and non-minimal coupling to gravity. We also consider leptogenesis through the gravitational production of heavy right-handed neutrinos during reheating.
> Best regards,
> Gaétan
> Le 13 oct. 2023 à 10:38, TYTGAT Michel <Michel.Tytgat(a)> a écrit :
> Dear All,
> We have the pleasure to invite you to the seminar by
> Dr Aliaksei Kachanovich (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb) on
> 'Flavour-Changing Neutral Current Processes Within the Standard Model and Beyond'.
> The seminar is 11:00 am in the room 2 N7 110 (building NO, Campus Plaine).
> In this talk, I will discuss the study of rare flavour-changing processes, which can provide us with insights into how we may need to modify or extend the Standard Model to address open problems such as CP-violation in Baryo- and Lepto-genesis, Dark Matter, the strong CP problem, neutrino mass origins, and more. The Standard Model has proven to be a highly successful theory with excellent experimental agreements, and additional forces or effects may manifest themselves in processes where contributions from known forces and effects are exceedingly small. I will primarily focus on two processes: the decay of the Higgs boson into two leptons and a photon, where the main contribution arises from a one-loop, and the decay of B-mesons into Kaons with a mediator to the Dark Sector. This talk is based on my research conducted during my Ph.D. at KIT, Karlsruhe, and during a short-term postdoc at the same institution (e-Prints: 2001.06516, 2003.01788, 2109.04426).
> Kind regards,
> Michel Ps: sorry for the late announcement.
> --
> Michel H.G. Tytgat
> Research Director FNRS – Professor ULB
> Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
> Service de Physique Théorique
> CP225, Bld du Triomphe 1050 Brussels, Belgium
> +32 (0)2 650 55 70
> michel.tytgat(a)
> De : Facchinetti Gaëtan <gaetan.facchinetti(a)>
> Date : lundi, 28 août 2023 à 10:41
> À : GRP_ULB_PhysTh <GRP_phys_th(a)>, GRP_ULB_Sem_Add <GRP_physth_sem(a)>
> Objet : ULB PhysTH Seminar by Maxim Pospelov, 1 sept. 2023
> Dear All,
> Although the days shorten and the temperatures decrease, there is joy in the air for it is the beginning of the academic year and PhysTh seminars will start again. I am happy to announce that the first one will take place next Friday, the 1st of September, between 11am and 12pm. Maxim Pospelov, from the University of Minnesota, will tell us about Standard Model and EDMs (see abstract below). If you receive no further notifications from me, the seminar will take place in our seminar room: 2.N7.110.
> Best regards,
> Gaétan
> ————————————————
> Abstract
> I review the main mechanisms that convert fundamental CP-violating parameters (theta_QCD and Kobayashi-Maskawa phase) to the observable electric dipole moments (EDMs). In light of recent experimental progress, the EDMs connected to electron spin (paramagnetic EDMs) are calculated. The limit on QCD theta angle is 2 * 10^(-8) and somewhat subdominant to neutron EDM, but can be improved. The Kobayashi-Maskawa phase contributes to paramagnetic EDMs at the level of 10^{-35} e cm in units of equivalent electron EDM, which is much larger than what was previously estimated.
> ————————————————
> Seminars and Journal Clubs agenda:
> ================
> ULB PhysTH Seminar by Maxim Pospelov (U. of Minnesota), 'Standard Model and EDMs', Room 2.N7.110 [BEL-center:pheno]
> Dates : 1 sept. 2023, 11:00-12:00, UTC+2
> ================
> You're receiving this message because you're a member of the GRP_ULB_Sem_Add group from Université Libre de Bruxelles. To take part in this conversation, reply all to this message.
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Hello everyone,
we restart our JC this week on tuesday.
I would present the ideas on supercooling within SUSY symmetries with 2104.00747.pdf (<>
There is still a chance I have to cancel, in such case I would send a message.
hope to see you there,
Dear All,
here below an announcement of a postdoc position in Bologna.
Please circulate it among possible interested candidates.
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Filippo Sala <f.sala(a)>
> Subject: Astroparticle postdoc in Bologna, deadline Nov 10
> Date: 6 October 2023 at 09:48:47 CEST
> To: Filippo Sala <f.sala(a)>
> Cc: Silvia Pascoli <silvia.pascoli(a)>
> Resent-From: <alberto.mariotti(a)>
> Dear colleague,
> We have a postdoc opening in Bologna on astroparticle theory and phenomenology, details at
> I would be grateful if you could circulate the announcement among potentially interested candidates.
> The deadline is pretty early, November 10.
> Best,
> Filippo
Dear All,
I am happy to announce an invited seminar on Tuesday 3 October at 14:00, in the Large Seminar Room at the IIHE (G/1-G.1.03 - J. Sacton).
Lorenzo Calibbi (Nankai University)
will be visiting VUB and will give a talk about:
"Majoron Dark Matter from Type II Seesaw"
Here the indico page of the event:
Please feel free to forward this announcement to potentially interested researchers in your group.
Best Regards,
Alberto Mariotti
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Phone: +32 (0) 2 629 32 15
E-mail: alberto.mariotti(a)
Address: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Physics Department
Elementary Particles Research Group
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium