Alberto Mariotti
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Phone: +32 (0) 2 629 32 15
E-mail: alberto.mariotti(a)vub.be
Address: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Physics Department
Elementary Particles Research Group
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Facchinetti Gaëtan <gaetan.facchinetti(a)ulb.be>
> Subject: ULB PhysTH Seminar by Maxim Pospelov, 1 sept. 2023
> Date: 28 August 2023 at 10:41:10 GMT+2
> To: GRP_ULB_PhysTh <GRP_phys_th(a)ulb.be>, GRP_ULB_Sem_Add <GRP_physth_sem(a)ulb.be>
> Resent-From: <alberto.mariotti(a)vub.be>
> Dear All,
> Although the days shorten and the temperatures decrease, there is joy in the air for it is the beginning of the academic year and PhysTh seminars will start again. I am happy to announce that the first one will take place next Friday, the 1st of September, between 11am and 12pm. Maxim Pospelov, from the University of Minnesota, will tell us about Standard Model and EDMs (see abstract below). If you receive no further notifications from me, the seminar will take place in our seminar room: 2.N7.110.
> Best regards,
> Gaétan
> ————————————————
> Abstract
> I review the main mechanisms that convert fundamental CP-violating parameters (theta_QCD and Kobayashi-Maskawa phase) to the observable electric dipole moments (EDMs). In light of recent experimental progress, the EDMs connected to electron spin (paramagnetic EDMs) are calculated. The limit on QCD theta angle is 2 * 10^(-8) and somewhat subdominant to neutron EDM, but can be improved. The Kobayashi-Maskawa phase contributes to paramagnetic EDMs at the level of 10^{-35} e cm in units of equivalent electron EDM, which is much larger than what was previously estimated.
> ————————————————
> Seminars and Journal Clubs agenda: http://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/PAI/month.php <http://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/PAI/month.php>
> ================
> ULB PhysTH Seminar by Maxim Pospelov (U. of Minnesota), 'Standard Model and EDMs', Room 2.N7.110 [BEL-center:pheno]
> Dates : 1 sept. 2023, 11:00-12:00, UTC+2
> ================
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> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Daniel G. Figueroa" <daniel.figueroa(a)cern.ch <mailto:daniel.figueroa@cern.ch>>
> Subject: Second Circular -- CosmoLattice School ’23 (ONLINE), Sept 25-29 2023
> Date: 18 August 2023 at 10:13:38 GMT+2
> To: "f.torrenti(a)uv.es <mailto:f.torrenti@uv.es>" <f.torrenti(a)uv.es <mailto:f.torrenti@uv.es>>, Adrien Florio <adrien.florio(a)stonybrook.edu <mailto:adrien.florio@stonybrook.edu>>, Jorge Baeza Ballesteros <jorge.baeza(a)ific.uv.es <mailto:jorge.baeza@ific.uv.es>>, Nicolás Loayza Romero <nicolas.loayza(a)ific.uv.es <mailto:nicolas.loayza@ific.uv.es>>
> Cc: "Daniel G. Figueroa" <daniel.figueroa(a)cern.ch <mailto:daniel.figueroa@cern.ch>>
> Resent-From: <alberto.mariotti(a)vub.be <mailto:alberto.mariotti@vub.be>>
> Dear friends,
> We would appreciate very much if you could distribute this announcement in the appropriate group-list(s) of your Institute or network.
> Thanks in advance,
> Best wishes,
> Dani
> —————————————————————
> Dear colleagues,
> We apologise in advance if you receive this announcement multiple times.
> We would like to draw your attention about the Second edition of our School on Lattice Techniques for Cosmology, that we will organise ONLINE during September 25-29 2023. The school is aimed to provide a pedagogical introduction to lattice field theory techniques and their use to simulate the classical dynamics of interacting fields in an expanding background. The lectures will serve as an introduction to COSMOLATTICE, a public code developed for lattice simulations of early Universe scenarios. The use of CosmoLattice as a tool to simulate scalar and gauge field non-linear dynamics in an expanding universe will be presented in full detail. Modern applications to inflation, preheating, gravitational wave production, non-minimally coupled scalar field dynamics, axion-like field dynamics, and possibly others, will also be covered. The school is aimed to anyone who would like to learn (or simply improve their knowledge on) how to simulate in a lattice the dynamics of early Universe field theory scenarios.
> Registration will be open till Sept. 5th 2023, see
> https://indico.ific.uv.es/event/7055/ <https://indico.ific.uv.es/event/7055/>
> Observations: The school will be held ONLINE, during 25-29 Sept 2023. Applications can be accepted till Sept. 5th 2023. There is no fee to participate in the school. A preliminary schedule considering overlapping day-time windows within Europe, India and China has been set up. In order to do practice sessions, participants will need to have access to a personal computer or to a cluster.
> The program will cover:
> * Lattice field theory techniques: discretisation schemes, lattice gauge techniques, and more.
> * Numerical algorithms for differential equations: Leapfrog, Verlet, Runge-Kutta, etc
> * Overview of CosmoLattice: libraries, modularity, parallelisation, ...
> * Lattice simulations of interacting fields in an expanding background:
> - Scalar field dynamics with arbitrary potentials
> - U(1) gauge theories with complex charged scalars
> - SU(2) gauge theories with doublet charged scalars
> * Modern applications to early Universe scenarios:
> - Preheating scenarios and onset of radiation domination
> - Production and evolution of gravitational waves
> - Dynamics of derivatively coupled Axion-like fields
> - Dynamics of non-minimally coupled scalar fields
> - Others, if time permits
> Lecturers:
> - J. Baeza-Ballesteros ....... IFIC, Valencia, Spain
> - D. G. Figueroa ............. IFIC, Valencia, Spain
> - A. Florio ................. Brookhaven Natl. Lab, US
> - J. Lizarraga .............. UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain
> - N. Loayza ................. IFIC, Valencia, Spain
> - K. Marschall ............... IFIC, Valencia, Spain
> - T. Opferkuch .............. Berkeley, California, US
> - B. A. Stefanek ............. Zurich U., Switzerland
> - F. Torrenti ................ IFIC, Valencia, Spain
> - Ander Urio ................. UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain
> We look forward to seeing you online!
> Best wishes