An interesting talk about high frequency GW, Friday at 11:00 at ULB, I could go….
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: VERMA Sonali <sonali.verma(a)>
> Subject: ULB PhysTH Seminar by Raffaele-Tito D’agnolo - 14/06/2024 at 11 am
> Date: 10 June 2024 at 14:01:02 CEST
> To: GRP_ULB_PhysTh <GRP_phys_th(a)>, GRP_ULB_Sem_Add <GRP_physth_sem(a)>
> Resent-From: <alberto.mariotti(a)>
> Dear All,
> It is my great pleasure to announce that Raffaele-Tito D’agnolo (IPhT, Paris) will give a seminar on Friday, the 14th of June, at 11am in room 2.N7.110 (building NO, campus Plaine). He will talk about
> Heuristics for Primordial Gravitational Wave Detection
> Abstract: Stochastic backgrounds of gravitational waves can potentially open a window on extremely high energies, giving us information on phase transitions at the GUT scale and many other BSM phenomena. In this talk I will discuss simple heuristic arguments that allow to establish the smallest detectable energy density in a primordial gravitational wave background. I will focus mainly on what is achievable with realistic detectors, and comment on the potential of advanced quantum sensing techniques. In the foreseeable future, it is not feasible to go beyond the BBN bound for frequencies above 100 kHz.
> Best regards,
> Sonali (for the seminar organizers)
> You're receiving this message because you're a member of the GRP_ULB_Sem_Add group from Université Libre de Bruxelles. To take part in this conversation, reply all to this message.
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Dear all,
This email is to announce the seminar of Arianna Renzini (Milano Bicocca University) , on 11th June (Tuesday) at 14:00, in the Large Seminar room at the IIHE (G.1.03 Sacton Room).
Title: Reaching beneath the surface: Gravitational-wave Background search methods, targets, and implications:
Abstract: "Gravitational-wave backgrounds (GWBs) encompass a multitude of signals across the wide gravitational-wave (GW) frequency spectrum, and represent key targets in the panorama of gravitational-wave data analysis. Typically, GWBs are considered to be the collection of GW signals that lie just beneath the threshold of detection. In this talk, I will broadly introduce GWBs and various ongoing or near-future detection efforts, focusing on ground-based interferometers such as LIGO and Virgo. I will specifically focus on the astrophysical GWB from binary black holes and neutron stars, as it is expected to be the main background source in the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) frequency range. I will describe the flagship LVK GWB searches and outline their key implications beyond GWs: The GWB power spectrum includes information on binary formation history and mass distribution, while its angular power spectrum is a tracer of large-scale structure, and many other potential sky distributions. I will present two new and improved GWB searches I am involved in, which are expected to outperform current approaches and which we plan to apply to O4 data. Finally, I will close with an overview of the future of GWBs with promising new detectors such as LISA and 3G interferometers."
Here the indico page of the event:
Feel free to share this announcement with anyone who might be interested in your groups. Hope to see you all there.
Alberto Mariotti
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Phone: +32 (0) 2 629 32 15
E-mail: alberto.mariotti(a)
Address: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Physics Department
Elementary Particles Research Group
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Hi All,
just a reminder about this HEP@VUB events.
While the one of this week might be though because of the visit of Denise, the one of following week should be more easy to attend.
Sandwiches are provided.
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Denise Muller via allusers-iihe <allusers-iihe(a)>
> Subject: [allusers-iihe] Re: Next two HEP@VUB colloquia: 13/06 and 20/06
> Date: 6 June 2024 at 13:58:15 CEST
> To: hep(a), All users <allusers-iihe(a)>
> Reply-To: Denise Muller <denise.muller(a)>
> Dear colleagues,
> this is a kind reminder of the next two HEP@VUB colloquia, the first one taking place on June 13th and the second one taking place on June 20th:
> Thu, 13th June, 12h: Dr. Matteo Bonanomi (Hamburg University), "Going beyond the Standard Model with the CMS detector",
> Thu, 20th June, 12h: Kathrine Mørch Groth (Niles Bohr Institute), "Galactic and extragalactic neutrino source populations",
> For Matteo's talk, please register by Monday noon.
> For Kathrine's talk, please register by the end of next week.
> Kind regards,
> Denise & Yarno on behalf of the organizing team
> On 30.05.24 11:40, Denise Muller wrote:
>> Dear colleagues,
>> We are happy to announce our next two HEP@VUB colloquia. The first talk will be on June 13th, the second one on June 20th:
>> Thu, 13th June, 12h: Dr. Matteo Bonanomi (Hamburg University), "Going beyond the Standard Model with the CMS detector",
>> Thu, 20th June, 12h: Kathrine Mørch Groth (Niles Bohr Institute), "Galactic and extragalactic neutrino source populations",
>> As usual, sandwiches and cake will be served during the colloquia. Please register on the indico pages indicated above.
>> Kind regards,
>> Denise & Yarno on behalf of the organizing team
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> allusers-iihe mailing list -- allusers-iihe(a)
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Hi All,
don’t miss Aaron JC at ULB on Thursday !
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: KOROCHKIN Alexander <alexander.korochkin(a)>
> Subject: JC 06/06/2024
> Date: 4 June 2024 at 12:26:22 CEST
> To: GRP_ULB_PhysTh <GRP_phys_th(a)>, GRP_ULB_JC_Add <GRP_physth_jc(a)>
> Resent-From: <alberto.mariotti(a)>
> Dear all,
> I would like to announce that our next JC will take place this Thursday 06/06 at 12:30 in the room 2.N7.110.
> Aaron Rase (VUB, PhD student) kindly volunteered to talk about "Collapsing Domain Wall Networks: Impact on Pulsar Timing Arrays and Primordial Black Holes" based on <>arXiv:2401.14331 <> (and arXiv:1807.01707 <>)
> Best,
> Alexander
> You're receiving this message because you're a member of the GRP_ULB_JC_Add group from Université Libre de Bruxelles. To take part in this conversation, reply all to this message.
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