Dear colleagues,
We will greatly appreciate if you could distribute this announcement in your institute/department and in specialised HEP/cosmo/astroparticle mail lists of your country/field. If you know any PhD student that might be interested,
please encourage them to come.
Thanks in advance!
Best wishes, Dani
(on behalf of the LOC of TAE 2024)
Dear all,
Apologies in advance if you receive this multiple times!
We are pleased to announce the 2024 edition of the 'Taller de Altas Energias’ (TAE), Spain's annual High Energy Physics PhD school.
TAE 2024 is an international postgraduate training program aimed at first and second year graduated students who are starting their research on experimental or theoretical High Energy Physics, Astroparticles and Cosmology (in
a similar spirit as BUSSTEPP in the UK, or TASI in the US). TAE 2024 will take place in Benasque, in the Spanish Pyrenees, spanning 2 weeks from September 2nd to 13th, 2024.
Relevant info will be gradually updated at:
The list of topics and speakers is:
- Quantum FIeld Theory/Standard Model, Rodrigo Alonso (Durham U., UK)
- Effective Field Theories, Martin Gonzalez-Alonso (IFIC, Valencia, Spain)
- Flavor Physics, Jorger Martin-Camalich (U. La Laguna, Spain)
- Lattice QCD, Assumpta Parreño (U. Barcelona, Spain)
- Cosmology, Jacobo Asorey (IPARCOS-U. Complutense, Madrid, Spain)
- Gamma Rays, M.A. Sanchez Conde (IFT, Madrid, Spain)
- Axions, Theopisti Dafni (CAPA, U. Zaragoza, Spain)
- Dark Matter, Diego Blas (IFAE, Barcelona, Spain)
- Neutrino physics (theory), Sergio Pastor (IFIC, Valencia, Spain)
- Neutrino physics (experiment), Patricia Sanchez (Granada U., Spain)
- Gravitational waves, Miguel Zumalacárregui (Max Planck Institute, Potsdam, Germany)
- Statistical Methods, Glen Cowan (Royal Holloway, London, UK)
- Machine Learning, Arantza Oyanguren (IFIC, Valencia, Spain)
- Detectors, Mary Cruz Fouz (CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain)
- Quantum detectors, Gemma Rius (CNM, Barcelona, Spain)
- Quark Gluon Plasma (theory), Carlos Salgado (IGFAE,Santiago de Compostela U., Spain)
- Quark Gluon Plasma (experiment), Ana Marin (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
- Beyond the Standard Model, Mariano Quiros (IFAE, Barcelona, Spain)
- Hadron Physics, Raquel Molina (IFIC, Valencia, Spain)
- String Theory, M. Montero (IFT, Madrid, Spain)
- LHC Physics, Maria Cepeda (CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain)
Please, forward this information to students or others potentially interested, in order to register as soon as possible.
Registration is now open and on will close on June 30th 2024, check
PhD students are encouraged to present a contribution in a poster session.
For any question, do not hesitate to contact the local organizing committee (LOC):
Clara Cuesta (CIEMAT, Madrid)
Daniel G. Figueroa (IFIC, CSIC-UV, Valencia)
Maria Martinez (CAPA, Universidad de Zaragoza)
Jose R. Pelaez (U. Complutense, Madrid)
With all our best wishes,
The LOC of TAE 2024