Begin forwarded message:
From: Andreas Ekstedt <>
Subject: Announcing a new seminar series: Tunneling in QFT
Date: 20 December 2023 at 11:32:05 CET
To: "" <>
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Dear colleagues,
we are delighted to announce a new online seminar series, Tunneling in QFT, starting on 11 January 2024, and running monthly on Thursdays, usually at 14:00 CET (CEST in European summer).
In this series, we will explore new developments in our understanding of all aspects of tunneling in quantum field theory.
Confirmed invited speakers include:
Ian Moss (Newcastle University) - The hot big bang in a cold gas: 11 January at 14:00 CET
Silvia Pla Garcia (Kings College, London): 8 February at 14:00 CET
Yutaro Shoji (Jožef Stefan Institute and Ljubljana University): 14 March at 14:00 CET
Patrick Draper (Illinois University, Urbana): 18 April at 15:00 CEST
Lorenzo Ubaldi (Jožef Stefan Institute and Ljubljana University): 16 May at 14:00 CEST
Registration is open. Please register to receive email announcements of each seminar, including joining instructions.
The webpage is:
Best wishes,
Andreas Ekstedt, Oliver Gould and Miha Nemevšek
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