Begin forwarded message:
From: VERMA Sonali <>
Subject: ULB PhysTH Seminar by Raffaele-Tito D’agnolo - 14/06/2024 at 11 am
Date: 10 June 2024 at 14:01:02 CEST
To: GRP_ULB_PhysTh <>, GRP_ULB_Sem_Add <>
Resent-From: <>
Dear All,
It is my great pleasure to announce that Raffaele-Tito D’agnolo (IPhT, Paris) will give a seminar on Friday, the 14th of June, at 11am in room 2.N7.110 (building NO, campus Plaine). He will talk about
Heuristics for Primordial Gravitational Wave Detection
Abstract: Stochastic backgrounds of gravitational waves can potentially open a window on extremely high energies, giving us information on phase transitions at the GUT scale and many other BSM phenomena.
In this talk I will discuss simple heuristic arguments that allow to establish the smallest detectable energy density in a primordial gravitational wave background. I will focus mainly on what is achievable with realistic detectors, and comment on the potential
of advanced quantum sensing techniques. In the foreseeable future, it is not feasible to go beyond the BBN bound for frequencies above 100 kHz.
Best regards,
Sonali (for the seminar organizers)