Dear All,
Next Friday, the 15th of December, we will have the pleasure to welcome Camilo García Cely (IFIC, Valencia) who will give us a seminar at 11am
in room 2.N7.110 (building NO, campus Plaine). He will tell us about
Adapting Axion Dark Matter Concepts for High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Detection
I will explore the application of ideas originally developed for axion dark matter to the search for MHz-GHz gravitational waves. I will start discussing the Gertsenshtein effect, which involves the inter-conversion of gravitational waves into electromagnetic
waves in the presence of external magnetic (or electric) fields. Drawing attention to its close analogy with axions, I will argue that the Gertsenshtein effect represents a specific manifestation of gravitational-wave electrodynamics, with further effects
awaiting exploration. In particular, I will discuss the potential of axion haloscopes to probe gravitational waves in the 100 kHz-100 MHz range.
Best regards,