Hello everyone, 

Next JC tomorrow Tuesday 07/03 at 11 am. Aaron Rase will talk about large primordial fluctuations in the gravitational wave spectrum from phase transition (2211.09301.pdf (arxiv.org)). Room to be announced later. 

We hope to see you there =), 


From: Miguel Vanvlasselaer <Miguel.Vanvlasselaer@vub.be>
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2023 12:49 PM
To: hep-pheno@listserv.vub.be <hep-pheno@listserv.vub.be>; simone.tentori@uclouvain.be <simone.tentori@uclouvain.be>; yannis.georis@uclouvain.be <yannis.georis@uclouvain.be>; CLESSE Sébastien <Sebastien.Clesse@ulb.be>; martina.cataldi2@studio.unibo.it <martina.cataldi2@studio.unibo.it>
Subject: JC monday 27/02
Hello everyone, 

Next JC tomorrow monday 27/02 at 11 am (quite exceptional we hope) in the room G/1-G.1.03 - J. Sacton. Simone Tentori will talk about the Phenomenology of top-philic axion-like-particles. 

See you soon, 

From: Miguel Vanvlasselaer <Miguel.Vanvlasselaer@vub.be>
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 10:22 AM
To: hep-pheno@listserv.vub.be <hep-pheno@listserv.vub.be>; simone.tentori@uclouvain.be <simone.tentori@uclouvain.be>; yannis.georis@uclouvain.be <yannis.georis@uclouvain.be>; CLESSE Sébastien <Sebastien.Clesse@ulb.be>; martina.cataldi2@studio.unibo.it <martina.cataldi2@studio.unibo.it>
Subject: Re: JC 21/02

friendly reminder for the JC today at 2 pm in the room (G/1-G.1.03 J. Sacton)

From: Miguel Vanvlasselaer
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 3:50 PM
To: hep-pheno@listserv.vub.be <hep-pheno@listserv.vub.be>; simone.tentori@uclouvain.be <simone.tentori@uclouvain.be>; yannis.georis@uclouvain.be <yannis.georis@uclouvain.be>; CLESSE Sébastien <Sebastien.Clesse@ulb.be>; martina.cataldi2@studio.unibo.it <martina.cataldi2@studio.unibo.it>
Subject: JC 21/02
Hello everyone, 

After a never-ending discussion to set the date of our new JC, we decided to organize the first one on Tuesday 21/02 at 2PM. 

I will be talking about the recent proposal for the formation of PBH from FOPTs discussed in https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.05637 and https://arxiv.org/pdf/2212.14037.pdf

I hope to see you, 