Dear All,
Vincent Juste (new postdoc in the service de Physique Théorique) kindly agreed to present his past and ongoing works during a seminar which will take place next Friday, the 26th of January, at 11am, in room 2.N7.110 (building NO,
campus Plaine). He will tell us about
Searching for compact binary coalescences with the MBTA pipeline
The 4th observing run of the LIGO Virgo and KAGRA detectors has started at the end of May 2023. Several analysis pipelines filter the data in search of gravitational waves. One of them,
called MBTA, is dedicated to the search of compact binary coalescences. It contributes to the online search of gravitational waves signature from such events and participates in sending public alerts for astronomers. I will describe in this talk the motivations
of the pipeline, how it works, and what results it can provide.
Best regards,