Begin forwarded message:

From: CLESSE Sébastien <>
Subject: Re: 2nd MaNiTou Summer School on GWs: second announcement
Date: 9 March 2023 at 06:42:27 GMT+1
To: "BAGUI Eleni" <>, Stamou Ioanna <>, Alberto MARIOTTI <>
Resent-From: <>


Le 7 mars 2023 à 15:06, Nicola Tamanini <> a écrit :

Dear LISA Consortium members,

This is the second announcement for the 2nd MaNiTou Summer School on GWs. More details, including the link to the school website and a preliminary program, are available here below.

Please note that a first selection of the received student applications will take place at the beginning of April. For this reason we strongly encourage all prospective students to register on the website of the school before the end of March. We would also like to remind that accommodation for selected Master and PhD students will be provided free of charge.

Nicola (on behalf of the organisers)


Date: July 3-8 2023. 

Location: campus Valrose of the Université Cote d’Azur, Nice, France.

Registration deadline: registrations are open until the end of May 2023, but a first selection of the received student applications will be done at the beginning of April. We strongly encourage all perspective student participants to register before the end of March 2023.

The school will cover the emerging field of gravitational wave detection and of its scientific exploitation. The goal of the school is to provide the students with a solid introduction to most aspects of this interdisciplinary field in accelerated expansion. 

The school is open in priority to Master and PhD students, and also to young or not so young scientists who would like to get better acquainted with Gravitational Waves. 

The school is limited to 40 participants. Master and PhD students can be accommodate at a CROUS residence free of charge (cost paid by the school). 

School Programme: 

GR and GW Theory (7h) - Simone Speziale (CPT) 
Panorama of possible GW sources (1h) - Joe Romano (TTU) 
GW Data Analysis (3h) - Sylvain Marsat (L2IT) 
GW Instruments (3h) 
      - On Ground (LIGO/Virgo, ET) - Walid Chaibi (OCA)
      - In Space (LISA) - Hubert Halloin (APC) 
Hands on data analysis (3h) - Simone Mastrogiovanni (INFN - La Sapienza) 
GW to study the Universe:
      - Astrophysics (1h30) - Astrid Lamberts (OCA) 
      - Cosmology (1h30) - Simone Mastrogiovanni (INFN - La Sapienza) 
      - Fundamental Physics (1h30) - Mairi Sakellariadou (King's College) 
      - Multi-Messager Astronomy (1h30) - Sarah Antier (OCA) 
Advanced seminars:
      - GW and Nuclear Physics (1h30) - Jerome Margueron (LP2I)
      - Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTA): 
              - Science and Detection (1h30) - Gilles Theureau (LPC2E) 
              - SGWB Analysis (1h30) - Joe Romano (TTU) 
      - Deep Learning in GW physics (1h30) - Natalia Korsakova (APC)

Organising committee:

Sebastien GUILLOT (IRAP)
Sylvain MARSAT (L2IT)
Alejandro PEREZ (CPT/IPhU)