Hi All,
an interesting workshop about axions.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Diego Guadagnoli <diego.guadagnoli@lapth.cnrs.fr>
Subject: axions++ workshop, Sep. 25-28, 2023, Annecy
Date: 15 June 2023 at 22:44:44 GMT+2
To: Alberto Mariotti <alberto.mariotti@vub.be>

Subject: Workshop axions++, 25-28 Sept 2023, Annecy, France

The workshop axions++ will take place in Annecy, France, from the 25th to the 28th of September, 2023.

The workshop is aimed at providing a sweeping snapshot of the most topical aspects in the theory, phenomenology and experiments on axions and other light particles (that's the ++).

The workshop includes one day (i.e. two successive half days) of invited lectures (1h 15' each) providing broad and accessible overviews on all the core topics, followed by two days of invited and contributed talks.

We aim for a truly collaborative atmosphere, with ample room for discussions.

The lectures topics are:

• Theory motivations for light new particles (John March-Russell, Oxford Univ.)
• Axions and gravity (Georgi Dvali, MPI Munich & NYU)
• Experimental landscape for axions and other light particles (Julia K. Vogel, Zaragoza)
• HEP phenomenology of axions and other light particles (Veronica Sanz, Sussex and Valencia)
• Astrophysical aspects (Maurizio Giannotti, Barry Univ.)
• Axions and gravitational waves (Valerie Domcke, CERN TH Dept.)

After the lectures, a number of talks, of which some are invited, will present topical research results in the theory, phenomenology and experiments on axions and other light particles.

The workshop's indico page


is open for registration and abstract submission. We anticipate one or more dedicated sessions for young researchers (PhD students and early-career postdocs), and thus strongly encourage them to submit talk proposals.

Registration is subject to approval due to the limited capacity of the venue.

Deadline for registration and abstract submission is the 5th of July 2023.
Notification of abstract acceptance will follow a few weeks after the deadline.

Hoping to see many of you in beautiful Annecy!

The organizers
Francesca Calore
Christopher Eckner
Mark Goodsell
Diego Guadagnoli
Jérémie Quevillon
Christopher Smith
Ludovico Vittorio

PS: apologies if you received this announcement more than once.