maybe interesting...

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Begin forwarded message:

From: "M. Agathos" <>
Date: 8 March 2023 at 20:40:11 CET
Subject: [Et-all] Announcement: Kavli-Villum Summer School on Gravitational Waves | 24 Sep - 01 Oct @ Corfu, Greece

Dear all,

We are excited to announce our Summer School on Gravitational Waves, sponsored by the Kavli Foundation and Villum Fonden, that will be hosted at the Corfu Summer Institute this September.

Gravitational Wave Astrophysics is at the dawn of what will become one of the great scientific endeavours of the 21st century. The Nobel Prize winning first detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration in 2015 has been a revolutionary step forward in physics and astrophysics by opening a totally new window for the exploration of the Universe.

The Kavli-Villum Summer School on Gravitational Waves (24 Sep - 01 Oct 2023* @ Corfu, Greece)

will introduce junior scientists (graduate students and advanced undergraduate students with a background in general relativity) to a wide range of topics at the foundation of the new exciting research field of gravitational wave astronomy, from theory and source modelling to state-of-the-art data analysis methods.
Participants will have the opportunity to present their results in the form of a poster. 

Our list of lecturers consists of leading experts in gravitational-wave science:

R. Brito (IST Lisbon)
G. Carullo (NBI Copenhagen)
K. Clough (Queen Mary University, London)
W. Del Pozzo (University of Pisa)
D. Gerosa (University of Milan)
S. Green (University of Nottingham)
L. Heisenberg (ETH Zurich)
C. Kavanagh (UC Dublin)
L. London (King’s College London)
A. Pound (University of Southampton)
I. Romero-Shaw (University of Cambridge)

Please encourage your students to register for this exciting school. For further enquiries, contact us at gw-school[at] .

Michalis Agathos, on behalf of the organisers

* No lectures are scheduled for the arrival date (24 Sep) and the departure date (01 Oct).

Dr. Michalis Agathos
KICC/DAMTP - University of Cambridge 
Kavli Institute for Cosmology
Madingley Road, CB3 0HA Cambridge, UK
Tel.:    +44 (0)12233 37550

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