Hello everyone, 

Two events here I just wanted to quickly bring to your attention once more. 



Begin forwarded message:

From: Rocco Bellanova <Rocco.Bellanova@vub.be>
Subject: Re: Research Day on Digital Governance and Participation (January 24, 2025)
Date: 16 January 2025 at 13:40:45 CET
To: Trisha MEYER <Trisha.Meyer@vub.be>, Clément Perarnaud <Clement.Perarnaud@vub.be>, Nadia Tjahja <Nadia.Tjahja@vub.be>, Antonis Kalogeropoulos <Antonis.Kalogeropoulos@vub.be>, Gianluca Sgueo <Gianluca.Sgueo@vub.be>, "francesca.tassinari@ehu.eus" <francesca.tassinari@ehu.eus>, August Bourgeus <August.Bourgeus@vub.be>, Nathan Genicot <Nathan.Genicot@vub.be>, Ine Van Zeeland <Ine.van.Zeeland@vub.be>, Sophie Hoogenboom <Sophie.Hoogenboom@vub.be>, Ana Pop Stefanija <Ana.PopStefanija@vub.be>, Vanessa Ugolini <Vanessa.Ugolini@vub.be>, Megan Hadasa Leal Causton <Megan.Hadasa.Leal.Causton@vub.be>, Frederic Heymans <Frederic.Heymans@vub.be>, Iwan Oostrom <Iwan.Oostrom@vub.be>, Simone CASIRAGHI <Simone.Casiraghi@vub.be>, Carlos Alejandro Entrena Serrano <Carlos.Entrena@vub.be>
Cc: "BSoG Centre on Digitalisation, Democracy, and Innovation" <cd2i_bsog@vub.be>, "Stephanie.arnold2@unibo.it" <Stephanie.arnold2@unibo.it>, Ike PICONE <Ike.Picone@vub.be>, Rob HEYMAN <Rob.Heyman@vub.be>

Dear Trisha,
Dear all,
Thank you for sharing the program. Looks amazing.
Also, may we invite you all to participate in the upcoming Meet the editors’ event that we are organizing at VUB?
It involves the lead editors of Big Data & Society (Matt Zook and Jennifer Gabrys), who will be on campus on 30 and 31 Jan. to provide feedback on abstract and tips on publishing with this kind of journal (a pretty relevant one for all of us – if I may say so).
Thank you!
Rocco and Alice

From: Trisha MEYER <Trisha.Meyer@vub.be>
Date: Wednesday, 15 January 2025 at 18:47
To: Clément Perarnaud <Clement.Perarnaud@vub.be>, Nadia Tjahja <Nadia.Tjahja@vub.be>, Antonis Kalogeropoulos <Antonis.Kalogeropoulos@vub.be>, Gianluca Sgueo <Gianluca.Sgueo@vub.be>, francesca.tassinari@ehu.eus <francesca.tassinari@ehu.eus>, August Bourgeus <August.Bourgeus@vub.be>, Nathan Genicot <Nathan.Genicot@vub.be>, Ine Van Zeeland <Ine.van.Zeeland@vub.be>, Sophie Hoogenboom <Sophie.Hoogenboom@vub.be>, Ana Pop Stefanija <Ana.PopStefanija@vub.be>, Vanessa Ugolini <Vanessa.Ugolini@vub.be>, Megan Hadasa Leal Causton <Megan.Hadasa.Leal.Causton@vub.be>, Frederic Heymans <Frederic.Heymans@vub.be>, Iwan Oostrom <Iwan.Oostrom@vub.be>, Simone CASIRAGHI <Simone.Casiraghi@vub.be>, Carlos Alejandro Entrena Serrano <Carlos.Entrena@vub.be>
Cc: BSoG Centre on Digitalisation, Democracy, and Innovation <cd2i_bsog@vub.be>, Stephanie.arnold2@unibo.it <Stephanie.arnold2@unibo.it>, Rocco Bellanova <Rocco.Bellanova@vub.be>, Ike PICONE <Ike.Picone@vub.be>, Rob HEYMAN <Rob.Heyman@vub.be>
Subject: Re: Research Day on Digital Governance and Participation (January 24, 2025)

Dear all,
Many thanks for signing up for our research exchange on Friday 24 January. I am looking forward! 
Those in the to: field signed up through the form, but I think there are likely names missing of who would like to attend. May I encourage those who are missing to complete the Microsoft form by Friday 17 January EOB, so I can provide our events team with an accurate number for catering? Many thanks!
We will meet in person at Brussels School of Governance, Lisbon Conference Room, Pleinlaan 5, -1.14 — or online (Microsoft Teams). 
I have updated the programme with the (preliminary) titles and names of those who agreed to present. Could I ask to provide your written input by Wednesday 22 January EOB to the group (or only your discussant), so your discussant has time to read through your input in advance? I have assigned the discussants with complementarity in mind (hopefully you agree). Please prepare a presentation of 10-15min and a discussant intervention of 5min, leaving 10min of group discussion. Many thanks!
Kind regards,
09:15 Arrival with coffee/refreshments
09:30-12:00 Research Exchange on Digital Governance
09:30-10:00 Presentation NUSE and DATAUNION
10:00-10:30 Studying EU Database Interoperability Components and their Multiplicity (Iwan Oostrom) + Clément Perarnaud
10:30-11:00 Constructing AI Governance: A Study of Policy Development in the HR Sector (Frederic Heymans) + Gianluca Sgueo
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-11:45 Challenges related to AI Integration into Democratic Governance (Gianluca Sgueo) + Rocco Bellanova
11:45-12:15 Forthcoming paper (Clément Perarnaud) + Vanessa Ugolini
12:15-13:15 Lunch
13:15-16:00 Research Exchange on Digital Participation
13:15-13:45 Presentation Data & Society and CD2I
13:45-14:15 Reinvigorating Consent: Exploring New Paradigms for Privacy and Data Sharing (Francesca Tassinari) + Ana Pop Stefanija
14:15-14:45 Public Involvement in the Digital Services Act Risk Assessment (Simone Casiraghi) + Trisha Meyer
14:45-15:00 Break
15:00-15:30 Meaningful Participation in Global and Regional Multistakeholder Institutions: The Case of the Internet Governance Forum (Nadia Tjahja) + Megan Leal Causton
15:30-16:00 Forthcoming paper (Ana Pop Stefanija) + Carlos Entrena

On 16 Dec 2024, at 13:24, Trisha MEYER <Trisha.Meyer@vub.be> wrote:
Dear all,
The ERC DATAUNION project, BSoG CD2I team, SMIT NUSE and Data & Society units will join forces on January 24, 2025 for a research exchange.
The intention of the research day is for these teams to get to know each other and have an exchange on work in progress (of various topics, formats, levels of maturity), roughly centred around the broad theme of digital governance and participation.
You are welcome to join for the morning, lunch and afternoon, either in person at Brussels School of Governance (Pleinlaan 5) or online (link). Both the morning and afternoon sessions will be available in hybrid format. Feel free to share this invitation with others whom you think might be interested, also at ULB!
We are looking for volunteers to present their work in progress. This could be a PhD pitch, a postdoc project proposal, a PhD chapter, a research article, a valorisation article, etc. We only request that you would have written input (at least 1p) to present, as we will assign a discussant for your session. All (PhD, postdoc, senior, associate, visiting researchers) are welcome to present.
Please sign up for the day (morning, lunch, afternoon) using this Microsoft form by Monday January 13, EOB.
Happy holidays!
Rocco, Ike, Rob and Trisha