Hello everyone,


Having adjusted to my learning curve, I now have the correct evaluation form for you:



Thank you in advance!

Daniel Jurg


From: Daniël Hans Marinus Jurg <Daniel.Hans.Marinus.Jurg@vub.be>
Date: Tuesday, 10 October 2023 at 15:25
To: echo@listserv.vub.ac.be <echo@listserv.vub.ac.be>, nuse_smit@listserv.vub.be <nuse_smit@listserv.vub.be>
Subject: [Nuse_smit] Re: Reece Peck Seminar Evaluation ! Important call to action (funding) !

Dear all,


Sorry everyone, the evaluation form that I send was meant for me and I should have sent another one to you. I will do that shortly!


Apologies for this oversight and stay tuned.




From: Daniël Hans Marinus Jurg <Daniel.Hans.Marinus.Jurg@vub.be>
Date: Tuesday, 10 October 2023 at 15:20
To: echo@listserv.vub.ac.be <echo@listserv.vub.ac.be>, nuse_smit@listserv.vub.be <nuse_smit@listserv.vub.be>
Subject: [Nuse_smit] Reece Peck Seminar Evaluation ! Important call to action (funding) !

Hello NUSE and ECHO members,


Thanks to all those who attended the Reece Peck seminar. Based on my own experience, and hearing some of your comments after, it was a great success!


Now, an important request: could you please take a brief second in your busy schedule to fill out this small form: https://forms.office.com/r/6Ci8PSY0Vg


The evaluation of the seminar is a necessary part for receiving the funding for the event, and it will take only a couple of minutes. It allows us to keep such events going with catering and some drinks after.


When the form asks for the ‘title activity’ simply copy-paste the following: Research Seminar on The Power of Political Style: Comparing Populist Media, From Fox News to The Young Turks, From Cable to YouTube, From Right to Left


Again, thank you for your participation and I hope we’ll have another seminar soon!


Warm regards,



From: Daniël Hans Marinus Jurg <Daniel.Hans.Marinus.Jurg@vub.be>
Date: Monday, 2 October 2023 at 11:54
To: echo@listserv.vub.ac.be <echo@listserv.vub.ac.be>, nuse_smit@listserv.vub.be <nuse_smit@listserv.vub.be>
Subject: [Nuse_smit] Reminder: Reece Peck Seminar: Friday 6 October, 15:00-16:30 - Pleinlaan 5, 4th floor, Raadzaal PL5.4.21.

Dear NUSE and ECHO members,


This is a friendly reminder about the upcoming seminar with Reece Peck on Friday, 6 October, from 15:00 to 16:30 at Pleinlaan 5, 4th floor, Raadzaal PL5.4.21. If you haven't already, please RSVP on the Teams event. This will help us get a sense of the number of attendees for the catering.


We're looking forward to seeing you there. For more details, please find the full invitation sent earlier by Omran below.


Kind regards,



We would like to invite you to our upcoming DESIRE-ECHO-SMIT Research Seminar with Reece Peck, Associate Professor at the CUNY Graduate Center, on Friday 6 October, 15:00-16:30 - Pleinlaan 5, 4th floor, Raadzaal PL5.4.21.


In his talk titled ‘The Power of Political Style: Comparing Populist Media, From Fox News to The Young Turks, From Cable to YouTube, From Right to Left’, Recce Peck will be discussing the importance of style as an analytical category for studying modern news branding and political movements.


For a full description of the talk, please see below.


We hope you will be able to join. 


Best wishes,






The Power of Political Style: Comparing Populist Media, From Fox News to The Young Turks, From Cable to YouTube, From Right to Left


This research seminar offers insights into why Fox News—conservative America’s number one news source—has been commercially successful and politically effective. Where existing explanations of Fox's appeal have stressed the network's conservative editorial slant, Dr. Reece Peck sheds light on the importance of its style as a generative mode of ideology. In addition to tracing Fox’s historical ascendancy, this talk compares the conservative cable giant with the progressive YouTube-based network the Young Turks (TYT). TYT stands as one of YouTube’s longest-running and most successful “news and politics” channels on the platform. This talk stresses the importance of style as an analytical category for studying modern news branding and political movements and argues that there is no inherent connection between media populism and political conservatism — even though today, thanks to US conservative media, many conflate the two.


Personal biography 

Reece Peck is an Associate Professor teaching at the CUNY Graduate Center and is the author of Fox Populism: Branding Conservatism as Working Class (Cambridge, 2019). His research uses concepts and methods from sociology, political science, and media studies to examine populist rhetorical styles, partisan news, and tabloid media. In addition to providing commentary for outlets such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Vice TV, Peck was among a select group of media scholars asked to provide written testimony to the Congressional Investigatory Committee on the January 6 Capitol riot.