Please join us on 20 February 2024 at 2pm, at Room Marconi (PL 9.2 Etro-Side) for a talk by Dr. Papaevangelou on the relationship between press and the platforms! The talk will last approximately
30-40 minutes and it will be followed by Q&A.
Title : The Ever-Shifting Relationship Between the Press and Digital Platforms
Summary: It has been nearly 24 years since the launch of Google News, an
event that marked a pivotal moment in the evolving relationship between platform firms and news media organisations, radically transforming the political economy of journalism. Over this period, dominant platform companies like Google and Meta have diverted
advertising revenues from the news industry, reshaped editorial workflows and created path dependencies
in the journalism value chain. In turn, news organisations have developed strategies of resistance and negotiation, seeking to protect their autonomy and mitigate financial
harm. Governments worldwide–most notably in the EU through
frameworks like the Copyright Directive or the European Media Framework–are now attempting to rein in platform power and rebalance
this relationship. Against this backdrop, and as generative AI adds a fresh layer of disruption, it is essential to adopt a structural and institutional lens to
appreciate the complexity of this relationship. Drawing on my recent research, I
will try to offer an overview of how these forces continue
to shape (and reshape) the press–platform relationship and discuss what implications there may be for
the political economy of journalism.
Bio: Charis Papaevangelou (he/him)
is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Information Law (IViR) of the University of Amsterdam as part of the interdisciplinary research programme, Public Values in the Algorithmic Society (AlgoSoc). He is currently studying the implications
of the novel EU tech governance framework for the relationship between the press and tech firms. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Toulouse 3 on the Political Economy of Platform Governance. His research interests lie at the nexus of journalism, platforms,
infrastructures, and political economy. His work has appeared in various international peer-reviewed journals.
Meeting ID:
317 681 218 85