Hey all,


Just wanted to send a first draft of my codemap for Twitter for our discussion tomorrow (the one for Instagram is still in too much a draft version). This one is also still messy (I also kept the open coding in a small font in case it’s not clear what is meant with the axial codes) so apologies if it’s not very clear. I’ll go over it during our meeting tomorrow in any case so no problem if you didn’t have a look at it.





From: Nathalie Van Raemdonck <Nathalie.Van.Raemdonck@vub.be>
Date: Friday, 2 February 2024 at 16:45
To: nuse_smit@listserv.vub.be <nuse_smit@listserv.vub.be>
Subject: [Nuse_smit] Re: Tuesday NUSE meeting

I may have used the wrong mailinglist below, so sending it again on this one, apologies if it landed in your inbox twice.


From: Nathalie Van Raemdonck <Nathalie.Van.Raemdonck@vub.be>
Date: Friday, 2 February 2024 at 16:36
Subject: Tuesday NUSE meeting

Hey NUSE colleagues!


I was trying to finish a first draft of a paper to discuss with you this Tuesday at the NUSE team meeting, but unfortunately that is still a while away since I’m a bit stuck in the qualitative coding of my interviews… Ike recommended to still use the opportunity to have you gathered and that we could perhaps try out a different format for a feedback sessions, so if it’s alright with you, I’d love to get your feedback on the codes I’m developing for my paper :)


Attached you can find a 4page extended abstract of the paper to get some background (also welcome to provide feedback on this of course). I’ll still work on the codes in the next few days and present them on Tuesday.


Looking forward to seeing you all!







Q9VJ43EY0nwggAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==Nathalie Van Raemdonck

Doctoral researcher

IMEC-SMIT, BSOG, HAI +32477208719



Recent publications



Van Raemdonck, N. & Meyer, T. (2024). Why Disinformation is Here to Stay. A Socio-Technical Analysis of Disinformation as a Hybrid Threat. In L. Lonardo (Ed). Addressing Hybrid Threats: European Law and Policies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.


Van Raemdonck (2022) Instagram Stories and the spread of harmful content; where’s the friction? Media@LSE Blog


Van Raemdonck, N. & Pierson, J. (2022) Conceptueel kader voor wisselwerking van platformkenmerken, affordances en normen op sociale media [A conceptual framework for the mutual shaping of platform features, affordances and norms on social media] Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap vol. 50 nr.4 pp.358-383 https://doi.org/10.5117/TCW2022.4.005.RAEM


Willaert, T.; Peeters, S.; Seijbel, J.& Van Raemdonck, N. (2022) Disinformation networks: A quali-quantitative investigation of antagonistic Dutch-speaking Telegram channels. First Monday, 27(5).


Van Raemdonck, N. & Pierson, J. (2021) "Taxonomy of Social Network Platform Affordances for Group Interactions,"  14th CMI International Conference - Critical ICT Infrastructures and Platforms (CMI)