Might be good to contribute some of your research perspectives!


From: Air-L <air-l-bounces@listserv.aoir.org> on behalf of Zimmer, Michael via Air-L <air-l@listserv.aoir.org>
Date: Wednesday, 5 June 2024 at 05:48
To: Stuart Shulman via Air-L <air-l@listserv.aoir.org>
Subject: [Air-L] Survey of AoIR members on data ethics

Dear AoIR colleagues:

We are sending this email to the AoIR community as part of a larger project where we are assessing researchers’ preparedness to address data ethics issues in their work, and to help identify opportunities for additional educational outreach & resource development.

We are particularly interested in researchers who rely on digital data about people, including data collected from websites, social media platforms, mobile devices, APIs, and similar data that might be generated through digital interaction and available for computational analysis.

The purpose of this study is understand how researchers from different academic communities use digital data about people, to assess their current preparedness to address any data ethics issues in their work, and to identify opportunities for additional educational outreach & resource development.
The consent form and survey is available at: https://marquette.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8nOMh4nK6VSwMwC
The study involves answering numerous questions via an online survey and will take about 10-15 minutes to complete. You will be asked to answer questions about your educational background, research practices, ethics training, and related experiences. Your name and other identifying information, including IP address, will not be collected. Your responses will be anonymous.

At the end of the survey, you will be invited to enter your contact information on a separate webpage if you are interested in participating in a follow-up interview to further discuss data ethics, with particular focus on identifying gaps and opportunities to improve ethics education within your research community.

You will also have the option to indicate a charitable donation to be made by the research team in appreciation of your participation.

This research study has been reviewed by the Marquette University Institutional Review Board (HR-4478). If you have questions about this project, please feel free to contact the principal investigators.

We thank you in advance for your time and participation in this study. Again, the survey can be accessed at https://marquette.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8nOMh4nK6VSwMwC

Dr. Michael Zimmer
Marquette University
1313 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee WI 53233

Dr. Jessica Vitak
University of Maryland
4130 Campus Drive, College Park, MD 20742

Michael Zimmer, PhD
Director, Center for Data, Ethics, and Society
Professor & Vice-Chair, Department of Computer Science
Marquette University
www.michaelzimmer.org<http://www.michaelzimmer.org/>  ::  www.zuckerbergfiles.org<http://www.zuckerbergfiles.org/>
Schedule a meeting with me: https://calendly.com/michael-zimmer

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