Hi everyone,

Attached to this email you’ll find the first draft of the article Daniel, Ike and I are currently working on, titled ‘Navigating the news: How young adults perform news curation practices on Instagram and TikTok’.

To provide you some context: The article reports a first empirical ‘test’ study of the data mirroring method (a combination of social media data donations and in-depth interviews) we are currently developing. Theoretically and conceptually, the study draws on my PhD project which uses the lens of ‘curation practices’ to analyze how social media news users encounter and organize their news and information flows, aiming to understand which roles news audiences (still) assign to journalistic sources.

To also give you a timeframe, the paper is a first draft-version which we are planning to submit after the summer break (mid-august). Feedback on any aspect of the paper is more than welcome, but it would be particularly helpful to focus a bit on: 

Thank you already for the effort, we are looking forward to the discussion! 

See you on Thursday,


Sarah, Daniel, and Ike



Met vriendelijke groeten

Kind regards


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Teaching Assistant - PhD Researcher (imec-SMIT)

Vakgroep Communicatiewetenschappen

T   +32 (0)472 09 05 94

E   Sarah.vis@vub.be

PL9.4.54 - Pleinlaan 9 - 1050 Brussel - www.vub.be