Dear all,

For our next unit meetig next week, we will continue our paper discussion series, and combine this with a guest appearance of Marianne Borchgrevink-Brækhus. She is a PhD researcher working with Halvard Moe at the Dept of Information Sciences and Media Studies at the University of Bergen. You can expect her and our working papers by Tuesday. This might be a bit tight, but I did not want to let the opportunity go by to have Marianne visit us, as she is now finishing a stay in Amsterdam which makes it much easier for her, and seen the links with the work Halvard is setting up in his very interesting ongoing ERC project PREPARE

We'll need to timekeep a bit, but we won't have any other agenda points to discuss so can start the discussion right away. Afterwards, let's represent at the VUB TD. It will be a chance for the new colleagues to 'experience' the Mandela aula.

Thanks in advance for your input!



Ps. If you want to read and discuss even more, Guy asked me to put under your attention their reading group on everything creativity. Texts are too large, so I'll put them in a folder on our teams channel.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Guy Healy <>
Subject: FW: New monthly Innovation in Creativity and Storytelling Reading Group aka YouTube RG
Date: 14 November 2023 at 11:54:11 CET
To: Ike PICONE <>

Many thanks Ike! This is the blurb. And the hard copies of the readings attached to make it super-easy for busy folks to get across.
Best, G
Greetings, dear All, i hope this finds you well. As previously flagged at the SMEETING, please find attached the readings for the first meeting of the Innovation in Creativity and Storytelling aka YouTube Reading Group. The aim is to experience the joys of deliberative scholarly exchange, or simply, to have fun with ideas. Anyone is welcome, scholarly or professional staff, PhD candidates and Research Assistants, or anyone just interested in that month's topic. This month we start with the big one: creativity itself. All i ask is folks scan the attached, select 1 reading that resonates with them, and come to the meeting prepared to summarise the argument* (and methodology briefly) of the article for the rest of us. The papers presented in the group are the touchstone papers i used most for my PhD, Fast & Furious Filmmaking: Emerging Hybrid Online TV Production Practices in Australia; my first book for Routledge; and the Marie Curie-Sklodowska Science & Innovation Fellowship itself. I trust they will resonate with you such that you enjoy sharing your passion (or objection) to the ideas herein. We meet in MEAD this Thursday 11-11:50, in time for the resto etc. cheers, Guy [*this is simply what the author tells us is his or her argument in the paper]
Dr Guy Healy
Maria Skłodowska Curie EUTOPIA-SIF COFUND Postdoctoral Fellow
(Data & Intelligence; Welfare & Inclusion),
imec-SMIT, VUB
Pleinlaan 9, Etterbeek,
Brussels, Belgium.
The Production of Global Web-Series in a Networked Age (2020) Routledge, London & New York.
The YouTube Generation & the Diversification of Screenwriting (forthcoming, 2026; Routledge).