Dear all,
Find here my paper for the next NUSE meeting!
This is a rather advanced draft, so I don’t expect, at this stage, to make enormous changes, but I obviously welcome very much your suggestions around:
* Internal coherence: how do the different sections of the lit rev stick together and how does the lit rev relates to the empirical analysis and the theoretical contribution?
* Clarity of the concepts used and usefulness for explaining the empirical material. Am I missing some concepts/theories/literature that I could consider for such reflections?
* Depth and originality of the theoretical reflections?
Anything else I should work on?
Thank you very much in advance for taking the time to read this!
See you soon :) Giordano
Giordano Zambelli PhD fundamental research fellow - FWO Pleinlaan 9 - 1050 Brussel [cid683445FD-045E-4102-862E-DD52901C9C0A@home] Recent Publications Innovation through collaboration in the Flemish news sector: ambitious start, mixed results (2024) Breaking Away From Hectic Daily Media Production: Unleashing Explorative Innovation Through Inter-Firm Collaborations (2023) The Media of Tomorrow: Recommendations for a European Media Policy Framework Supporting Media Innovations (2023) Establishing, Consolidating and Maintaining Online Revenues for Legacy Media (2022)
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