Dear all,
Coupled to the milliQan workshop that will run next week in the lab
Mon-Wed, we will have an invited seminar from Prof. Matthew Citron:
"Searching for millicharged signatures of the dark sector"
on Wed Dec 13 at 14h30 in the Neutrino room (G.0.20).
*Note the unusual day and location!*
Abstract and short bio are below; the event's agenda can be found here:
Kind regards,
Hidden sector models of dark matter are the focus of a large number of
searches at the LHC and beyond. An underexplored signature of such
theories is the production of particles with a small fractional electric
charge. These "millicharged particles" may be produced copiously at
facilities such as the LHC. However, due to their very small energy
depositions, general purpose detectors are blind to them. I will show
how this blind spot can be closed through the use of dedicated detectors
that consist of several layers of long scintillator bars, paired with
high-gain, low-noise photomultiplier tubes. In this talk I will cover
results from the milliQan demonstrator, which ran very successfully at
the LHC, the ongoing Run 3 milliQan experiment, as well as plans for the
forward FORMOSA detector for the HL-LHC. Finally, I will discuss
complementary experiments at high intensity facilities.
Dr Matthew Citron has been an Assistant Professor in the Physics
Department at UC Davis since 2023. He obtained his PhD from Imperial
College London where he worked on searches for supersymmetry with the
CMS detector at the LHC. He then took a Postdoc appointment at UC Santa
Barbara where he worked on searches for long-lived signatures of new
physics. At UC Davis his research focusses on searches for exotic
signatures of dark sectors using both the general purpose CMS detector
as well as constructing and operating dedicated detectors at the LHC and
Steven Lowette
Prof. Steven Lowette
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Dear all,
On Dec 8 we will have a seminar from Prof. Vitor de Souza:
"The Cherenkov Telescope Array"
at 14h30 in the Sacton seminar room (G.1.03)
Abstract and short bio are below; the event's agenda can be found here:
Kind regards,
The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory is the next generation
ground-based telescope array to study very-high-energy electromagnetic
radiation from the Universe. CTA will open a new era in this energy
domain with its superior performance with respect to the current
generation. In this talk, I will present the most important aspects of
the very wide science case of CTA and I'll review fundamentals of the
imaging Cherenkov approach. The prospects for the possible discoveries
will be presented, with focus on the legacy surveys and on the
fundamental astrophysics and physics to be targeted by the CTA
Observatory. Our view of the very-high-energy sky is about to change
dramatically, CTA will open a new era in our understanding of the
highest energetic phenomena in the Universe and in this talk I will
discuss some of the expected scientific output.
Short Bio:
Prof. de Souza earned his Bachelor in Physics in 1997, Master's in 2000
and PhD in 2004 at the University of Campinas, Brazil. He was a visiting
researcher during his graduate studies at the University of Leeds, Great
Britain and the University of Adelaide, Australia. He then was a
post-doc at the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics at the University
of São Paulo, Brazil from 2004 until 2007. He held a researcher position
at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany during 2007 and 2008 and is
Professor in Astroparticle Physics at the University of São Paulo since
2008. He is member of the Pierre Auger Observatory and the CTA
Observatory, chair of the Consortium Board of CTA, member of the
Director Board of Latin-America Council for Physics, coordinator of the
Astronomy Panel of FAPESP, and co-chair of the Department of Physics and
Interdisciplinary Science of IFSC/USP.
Steven Lowette