IIHE invited seminar: The PTOLEMY project: from an idea to a real
experiment to detect the Cosmological Relic Neutrinos
byProf.Marcello Messina(LNGS)
//Friday 3 Feb 2023, 15:00→16:30Europe/Brussels
//G/0-G.0.20 - Neutrino Room (Building G)
In the first partthe seminara novelideaonthe detectionofCosmological
Relic Neutrinos(CRN)andmore in
general, onthe detection of neutrinos of vanishing energywill be
presented.This ideais described in detail in the
paper[1].The method is based on the factthatneutrino interactions on
beta-instable nuclei havethe key feature of
requiring no energy threshold for the neutrino interaction.Some
phenomenological aspects will be presented.
The second part of the seminar will be dedicated to the PTOLEMY project,
in a starting phase at the Laboratori
Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy.In this project we aim at demonstrating
the detection principle of the CRN and
finalize the design of the future full scale experiment. The
technologies on which the detector concept is based will
be presented and the key features explained.
A new-concept of electrostatic filter discussedin a paper [2] recently
published by the PTOLEMY collaboration will
also be explained in details.
[1] A. Cocco, G. Manganoand M. Messina, “Probing Low Energy Neutrino
Backgrounds with Neutrino Capture on
Beta Decaying Nuclei,”
Journal of Cosmological and Astroparticle Physics0706(2007),15.
[2]M.G. Betti et al, “A Design for an electromagnetic filter for
precision energymeasurements at tritium endpoint”,
Progress in particle and Nuclear Physics, 1206 (2019),120.
*Short bio: *Dr, MessinagottheMaster degree and then the Ph.D. on the
CHORUS experiment on the numu tonutau oscillation searches.After
Ph.D.hemovedto the ETH-Zurich on a researchposition and then to
theUniversity ofBern as Ober Assistant.In theseyearsheparticipated to
several importantexperimentslikeOPERA, ICARUS, T2Kwith
relevantcoordination roles of R&Ds activities and working groups.In
2011hemovedto the Columbia University in New Yorkon aposition of
Research Scientist and lead the R&D effort that brought to designofthe
XENON1T detector.In thesame experiment he hasbeenfirst
theCommissioningand then the Operationmanager of the Experiment until
2017whenhemovedon the roleof Technical Coordinatorof the
XENONnTexperiment, which is the upgrade of theXENON1T.After the seminal
paper[1]on therelic neutrino detection his interests switched towards
relic neutrino detection up totheparticipatation to the conceptual
design ofa novel electromagnetic filter concept. Dr. Messina ispresently
theCo-Spokespersonsof the PTOLEMY project.
Organised by
Ioana Maris and Steven Lowette