Invited Seminars <>
IIHE invited seminar: The era of Low cost - High Risk space missions:
a CubeSat spacecraft for the detection of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
byProf.Adriano Di Giovanni(GSSI)
//Friday 28 Apr 2023, 15:00→16:30Europe/Brussels
//G/0-G.0.20 - Neutrino Room (Building G)
Serendipitously discovered by the BATSE mission in the nineties,
Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) represent the most intense and
energetic natural emission of gamma rays from our planet. TGFs consist
of sub-millisecond bursts of gamma rays (energy up to one hundred
MeV) generated during powerful thunderstorms by lightenings and are in
general companions of several other counterparts (electron beams,
neutrons, radio waves). The ideal observatory for TGF is therefore a
fast detector, possibly with spectral abilities and orbiting around
Earth in LEO (Low Earth Orbit). To date, the benchmark observatory is
ASIM, an instrument flying onboard the International Space Station
(ISS), however TGF science is being addressed by new instruments, few of
them orbiting in free flight around Earth: among these, LIGHT-1, a 3U
Cubesat mission launched in December 21st, 2021 and deployed from the
ISS on February 3rd, 2022. The LIGHT-1 payload consists of two similar
instruments conceived to effectively detect TGFs at few hundred
nanoseconds timescale. The detection unit is composed of a scintillating
crystal organised in four optically independent channels, read out by as
many photosensors. The detection unit is surrounded by a segmented
plastic scintillator layer that acts as an anti coincidence VETO for
charged particles. The customised electronics embeds power supplies and
detector readout, signal processing, detector controls and act as
interface with the bus of the spacecraft. LIGHT-1 makes the use of two
different scintillating crystals, namely low background Cerium Bromide
and Lanthanum Bromo Chloride, and two different photo sensing
technologies based on PhotoMultiplier Tubes (R11265-200 manufactured by
Hamamatsu) and Silicon Photomultipliers (ASD-NUV1C-P manufactured by
Advansid and S13361-6050AE-04 manufactured by Hamamatsu). Payload
performance and detailed description will be provided, along the results
of commissioning and preliminary flight data.
Organised by
Ioana Maris and Steven Lowette