Dear all,
On Friday May 3 we will have an IIHE seminar from Dr. Cecile Caillol:
"Observation of the photon-induced production of tau leptons in pp
collisions at CMS and constraints on tau g-2"
at 14h30 in the Sacton seminar room (G.1.03)
Abstract and short bio are below; the event's agenda can be found here:
Kind regards,
The photon-induced production of a pair of tau leptons had been observed
in proton-proton collisions with data collected in Run-2 by the CMS
detector at the CERN LHC. Signal events are identified thanks to their
low track multiplicity around the di-tau vertex. These events are used
to set constraints on the anomalous magnetic moment of the tau lepton,
significantly improving previous measurements from the LEP era
Dr. Cecile Caillol did her PhD at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles
(Belgium) and graduated in 2016. She then joined the University of
Wisconsin-Madison until July 2021, when she became an LD staff
researcher at CERN. During her PhD and after, she worked on Higgs boson
decays to tau leptons, including the first observation of H->tautau
decays with 2016 data, and other Higgs boson measurements with tau
leptons. She also played a leading role in several exotic Higgs
searches. More recently, she has worked on the study of photon-induced
processes (this seminar), and the lepton-induced production of
leptoquarks. She is currently convener of one of the 3 search groups of
CMS (SUS ˜= supersymmetry, dark matter, exotic Higgs).
Steven Lowette
Dear all,
On Friday April 12 we will have an IIHE seminar from Dr. Elisa Wursten:
"Experiments at the antimatter factory of CERN"
at 14h30 in the Sacton seminar room (G.1.03)
Abstract and short bio are below; the event's agenda can be found here:
Kind regards,
The Standard Model of Particle Physics is an extremely powerful model,
but it is known to be incomplete. One of its issues is that it does not
provide an explanation for the striking imbalance of matter over
antimatter observed in our Universe. To better understand the properties
of antimatter, the Antiproton Decelerator was inaugurated at CERN in
2000, providing a facility for dedicated studies of low-energy
antiprotons and antihydrogen. Since then, an impressive amount of
progress has been made, ranging from the efficient production, trapping
and laser cooling of antihydrogen to extremely precise spectroscopic
measurements and studies of its gravitational behaviour.
In this seminar, I will give an overview of the experiments at the
antimatter factory of CERN, concisely summarizing their research
objectives, their measurements concepts and highlighting the most
important results and plans for the future.
Dr. Elise Wursten did her PhD at KULeuven, contributing to the neutron
Electric Dipole Moment experiment (nEDM) at the Paul Scherrer Institute
in Switzerland, under supeervision of Prof. Nathal Severijns.
Interleaved with short periods as Visiting Scientist Fellow of the Max
Planck Society, she was from 2018-2020 a CERN Senior Research Fellow and
Visiting Scientist at the Ulmer Fundamental Symmetries Laboratory of
RIKEN, Japan, working at the Baryon Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment
(BASE) at the Antiproton Decelerator of CERN, Switzerland. Since 2021,
she is a Special Postdoctoral Researcher affiliated to the Ulmer
Fundamental Symmetries Laboratory of RIKEN, Japan, working again at the
BASE experiment at CERN.
Steven Lowette
Dear all,
On Friday April 5 we will have an IIHE seminar from Prof. Domenico Della
"Opening the PeV era in gamma ray astronomy - LHAASO highlight"
at 14h30 in the Sacton seminar room (G.1.03)
Abstract and short bio are below; the event's agenda can be found here:
Kind regards,
LHAASO has started taking data in 2021 with its full array. With its
large field of view and good performance, it has collected a huge amount
of high quality data. In this of talk we will illustrate the LHAASO
instruments and its performances. Later we will go over major
achievements and breakthrough results. In the end, we will also give an
outlook at the evolution of the array and LHAASO synergies with future
Professor Della Volpe currently holds a position as a professor at the
University of Geneva, where he contributes significantly to the
astroparticle pillar of the department. Additionally, he is actively
engaged in medical physics through his leadership role in the POSICS
project, which aims to develop an innovative portable gamma/beta camera,
generously funded by the EU H2020 program.
His primary focus lies within the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory
(CTAO), with a particular emphasis on the Large Size Telescope (LST)
collaboration, where he holds the pivotal role of System Lead Engineer.
His significant contribution played a crucial role in the success of the
Critical Design Review (CDR) of the LST, a milestone achievement that
marked it as the first telescope to meet the stringent qualifications
for acceptance into the CTAO.
His engagement with LHAASO began in 2017 through a collaboration on the
WFCTA Camera, where his group supplied the technology for the focal
plane. This contribution was notably acknowledged by LHAASO,
particularly noteworthy as his group was the sole non-Chinese
participant in the experiment and a member of the Institutional Board,
underscoring the significance of their involvement.
From 2018 to 2023, Professor Della Volpe chaired the publication
committee of LHAASO and served as the main editor of the LHAASO science
book. He has also made significant contributions as a contributing
author to seminal papers published in prestigious journals such as
Nature and Science. His main activity is in CTAO, and in particular in
the Large Size telescope collaboration, where he is the System Lead
In the end 2023, he left LHAASO to focus on new projects. He is one of
the PI of the QUASAR project, aimed at pushing the boundaries of
Intensity Interferometry to achieve micro arc-second resolution using
picosecond light detectors. Additionally, he is collaborating on the
French-Swiss initiative known as LACTEL, which seeks to implement a
pioneering concept of a water Cherenkov detector in Lake Geneva,
garnering significant interest from the scientific community, including
the South West Galactic Observatory (SWGO).
Steven Lowette