Invited Seminars
IIHE invited seminar: The CMS physics communication as a lab for science communication.
byProf.Freya Blekman(DESY and University of Hamburg)
//Friday 17 Feb 2023, 15:00→16:30Europe/Brussels //G/0-G.0.20 - Neutrino Room (Building G) Description
Abstract: This colloquium is about (why and) how to communicate your work as a scientist, something that is important for all physicists independent of their career stage. Some examples on strategies and data-driven interpretation of successful science communication by the CMS communication through the physics briefings will be used to highlight the different aspects. Finally, some tips & tricks on how to get started with science communication will be discussed. While the speaker obviously comes from an LHC physics background, the talk is intended for a general physics audience. Brief Bio Freya Blekman works on breaking the standard model at the LHC and with future colliders and was until recently coordinating the physics communication activities for the over 4000 physicists in one of the large LHC collaborations, the Compact Muon Solenoid. Freya Blekman has been communicating science since she was a bachelor student. She started in 2010 as a professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and since October 2021 is a lead researcher at DESY (the German national particle physics laboratory) with a professorship at the University of Hamburg. Blekman is also a visiting professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the University of Oxford.
Organised by
Ioana Maris and Steven Lowette