Hi, Gabor,


Please find the CA with a few edits.


The main item that is difficult to swallow is section 7.3.1.


As you know, the EC provides the pre-financing for prompt distribution to the partners. Since we are all partners in STAR as well as STAR-2, I do not see why NAIH should hold on to our funds for so long. In view of our experience in working together in STAR (and previous projects), I assume we all believe all partners are reliable and will deliver the expected results. Hence, I do not see why you should retain funding that should be forwarded to us promptly now.






From: <star-bounces@listserv.vub.ac.be> on behalf of Gábor Kulitsán <kulitsan.gabor@naih.hu>
Organization: NAIH
Date: Wednesday, 12 September 2018 at 13:29
To: 'STAR' <star@listserv.vub.ac.be>
Subject: [star] STAR II Consortium Agreement + message from the PO


Dear All,


Please find enclosed the latest version of the Consortium Agreement of STAR II. I kindly ask you to read the document, especially the parts highlighted with yellow and grey, and please fill in the missing information (or just send me the info by e-mail) and add comments and suggestions if you have any as soon as possible.


Secondly, I contacted the (temporary) PO through the Participant Portal and she gave me the following answer (you can read it if you log in to the PP) :


“Dear Mr Kulitsán,


thank you very much for keeping me updated on your project's developments.


As regards the workshops I confirm that you can group the two workshops in one (D3.4 + D4.2). Normally, all changes to deliverables need a formal amendment but in your case there would be a possibility to upload, in December 2019, a paper under DLV D4.2 saying that, in agreement with the project officer, the DLV is merged with D3.4. I would then approve this deliverable. Then, between December 2019 + April 2020, you would upload all the related documents of the merged DLV D3.4 + D4.2. Where would be the venue of this workshop?

Regarding the External Advisory Board there is, in principle, no problem to finance the travel and/or accommodation costs of the members, however, they need to come from eligible countries. Could you, therefore, clarify how many people are involved and from which countries they are travelling?


I look forward to your earliest reply.


Kind regards,

Brunhilde Rack”



