Dear Lina!

Dear All!


Thank you for sharing the recent version of the Article. With reference to your idea that more emphasis could be given to the specific needs of the SMEs, we support the elaboration on their needs. The interviews revealed that SMEs are not really satisfied with the awareness-raising efforts of the DPAs nor the available information DPAs provide. Based on our experiences during the operation of the SME hotline the specific needs of the SMEs cannot be identified in general, not even keeping in mind the characteristics/needs of the SMEs compared to the characteristics/needs of bigger companies.


Besides the specific needs emerging clearly by reason of the size and operating specificity or number of employees such as:

“Sector specific” issues related to the operating specificities also emerge very often:

  1. SMEs carry out their activity in retail premises:

What are the legal requirements and conditions for installing a video surveillance?


  1. SMEs operating a webshop:

How should a webshop provide information to its clients?




Renáta & Gábor


Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020 4:23 PM
To: Leanne Cochrane <>; David Barnard-Wills <>; Kulitsán Gábor <>
Cc: Corinna Pannofino <>; Angelo Napolano <>; 'Nagy Renáta' <>; 'Sziklay Júlia' <>; Kulitsán Gábor <>; STAR <>; Carlotta RIGOTTI <>; Alessandra Calvi <>
Subject: RE: STAR II - Update on EDPB and validation workshop?


Dear Leanne, David and Gabor,


As you may have been aware, at VUB we went through some internal changes concerning work and resource distribution for the STARII project. The outcome of these changes is that our team now consists of three of us – Alessandra and Carlotta have recently joined the project and will work on it within different capacities till its end.


On the same note, I want to provide updates on the handbook for SMEs, the guidance for DPAs, the website, the event in Brussels and the panel at CPDP.


  1. Handbook:  we took into consideration your comments provided to us in January and we’ll share our draft on 17 February. We will kindly ask you to provide your feedback by 21 of February.
  2. Guidance: Thanks for NAIH team for sharing the revised version of the document. We appreciate the changes you’ve implemented. We’ll share more detailed feedback by 14 February.
  3. Website: TRI kindly offered to help us with this task, as we have been having difficulties to live up to our promises made in the DOW. We’ve been negotiating a service contract for a website (in fact a separate website from STAR I) for nearly two months (the parties to the contract did not agreed to use each other standard templates) and VUB legal service team should enter into agreement this week. Provided how complicated this process was for a rather simple service and that’ve had discussions on the outline and features of the website, I would prefer to continue pursuing this path. We, however, agree that having a LinkedIn page would provide an alternative route to disseminate our work.
  4. Workshop in Brussels: after consulting Gabor, we decided to host the workshop (merging two tasks) on the 22 of April. It is the second day of the monthly EDPB plenary meeting. We’ll share a draft agenda with you before the end of this week, so you can comment and make suggestions for speakers/ timing/ etc. We hope that this date works well for you and that you will be able to contribute to the event.
  5. CPDP panel that was organised in cooperation with the SMOOTH project was successful and received some positive feedback, you can watch it here: As Renata shared an updated data concerning the hotline in the afternoon before the event and the panel took place on Wed at 8:45, the slide with this info was not updated. Many thanks TRI for their contribution!


Best regards,




From: Leanne Cochrane <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 1:02 PM
To: Kulitsán Gábor <>
Cc: David Barnard-Wills <>; Corinna Pannofino <>; Angelo Napolano <>; 'Nagy Renáta' <>; Lina JASMONTAITE <>; 'Sziklay Júlia' <>
Subject: Re: STAR II - Update on EDPB and validation workshop?


Hi Gabor, 


Thanks for this information and thanks to Renata for the updated guidance.


Best wishes,




A képet a feladó eltávolította.

Leanne Cochrane

Senior Research Analyst  |  Policy, Ethics and Emerging Technologies Team

Mobile: +44 (0) 7545 955 242



From: Kulitsán Gábor <>
Sent: 28 January 2020 09:08
To: Leanne Cochrane <>
Cc: David Barnard-Wills <>; Corinna Pannofino <>; Angelo Napolano <>; 'Nagy Renáta' <>; 'Lina JASMONTAITE' <>; 'Sziklay Júlia' <>
Subject: RE: STAR II - Update on EDPB and validation workshop?


Hi Leanne,


Thanks for the update on the newsletter.


Regarding the upcoming events:

-       The plan is to present the drafts of the guidance and the handbook at the EDPB plenary in February. However, as this is scheduled for 18-19 February, we can only do this, if the drafts are ready by then. Renáta will circulate the updated version of the guidance soon. As for the other document (handbook), Lina can provide further information.

-       I have no further information on the validation workshop planned for March-April 2020.






From: Leanne Cochrane []
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2020 6:25 PM
To: Kulitsán Gábor <>
Cc: David Barnard-Wills <>; Corinna Pannofino <>; Angelo Napolano <>; 'Nagy Renáta' <>; Lina JASMONTAITE <>; Sziklay Júlia <>
Subject: STAR II - Update on EDPB and validation workshop?


Hi Gabor,


I hope you are keeping well.


Our dissemination team is preparing to send out the STAR II newsletter we mentioned on our previous calls.  It will be sent out this Thursday with links to the approved deliverables and some blogs. We are also including a section on upcoming events and I wanted to check with NAIH if we had any further information on the following two events:


  • A presentation by NAIH to the EDPB on the STAR II project planned for the February EDPB plenary (18th-19th) in Brussels. 
  • A Validation workshop for the STAR II outputs, namely a 'A Risk Focused Handbook for SMEs' and a 'Guidance for DPAs' planned for March-April 2020 in Brussels.

Can I just check this information is still current and there is nothing more specific we can add at this stage? 


I would be grateful if you can cc all in the reply as I am off tomorrow and the dissemination team are in need of the confirmation. 


Thanks and best wishes,




A képet a feladó eltávolította.

Leanne Cochrane

Senior Research Analyst  |  Policy, Ethics and Emerging Technologies Team

Mobile: +44 (0) 7545 955 242
