On 16 Nov 2017, at 16:24, Dariusz Kloza [VUB] <dariusz.kloza@vub.ac.be> wrote:

dear all-STAR partners,

with a view of our discussion tomorrow in BUD, please find attached the draft CA that has been proposed by our highly competent legal department. it’s a slightly modified standard DESCA template, so no reason to worry. we will explain particular clauses during the meeting, for now just please familiarise yourselves. in case we would be able to reach an agreement, we will sign it tomorrow.

have safe travels, bonne lecture and see you tomorrow!

Dariusz Kloza, LL.M.
d.pia.lab   |   Brussels Laboratory for Data Protection & Privacy Impact Assessments
Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)   |   Faculty of Law and Criminology
Room 4B306, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene, Brussels, Belgium
dariusz.kloza@vub.ac.be   |   vub.ac.be/LSTS   |   dpialab.org   |   +32 2 629 11 96   |   @DarekKloza
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