Dear Darek,

I have printed the pdf form and forwarded it for signature to Attila.

Three short comments:

6.2.: Shall the respresentative of the Party as member of the General Assembly provide a formal authorization each time or it is not handled so strictly?

7.3. We would be grateful if we could request to receive a former notification of all payments.

8. We assume that when the translated deliverables will be finished NAIH can disseminate them freely (under the condition of course that the formal references to the project are indicated on each material)(?)




From: [] On Behalf Of Dariusz Kloza [VUB]
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 10:53 AM
Cc: Wim SCHREURS <>; Federico PERRONE <>; Kim Coppens <>
Subject: Re: [star] [STAR] Draft Consortium Agreement
Importance: High


dear all-STAR partners,


after some bilateral exchanges and a discussion with the PO, our legal department prepared the final draft of the consortium agreement. please find it attached.


the procedure to sign should be as follows:


  1. please have a look if you all agree and return your okay by an e-mail to this mailing list + Federico, Wim and Kim by 30 November 2017 EOB.
  2. having 2 okays, we suggest the first signature is made by NAIH. please print the PDF attached in 3 copies, sign on page 19 and put initials on EACH page (in the bottom). then please post by snail mail to Trilateral, who repeats this exercise. then TRI will send to us, VUB will sign and subsequently redistribute 1 copy for each partner. 


there is one clause that would interest you in particular: we suggest the pre-payment is made in quarterly equal instalments and NOT monthly ones. this is a follow up from David’s suggestion to have a General Assembly every 3 months (via Skype etc.) which will be inter alia evaluating the progress of the project. 




Trilateral Research LTD
Crown House

72 Hammersmith Road

London W14 8TH

United Kingdom


(unless David provides any other postal address)


European Liaison Office
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2

1050 Brussel



should you have any questions, you know where to find us.


thanks & best



Dariusz Kloza, LL.M.
d.pia.lab   |   Brussels Laboratory for Data Protection & Privacy Impact Assessments

Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)   |   Faculty of Law and Criminology
Room 4B306, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene, Brussels, Belgium   |   |   |   +32 2 629 11 96   |   @DarekKloza

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