Excellent, thanks.


From: Gábor Kulitsán <kulitsan.gabor@naih.hu>
Organization: NAIH
Date: Tuesday, 5 March 2019 at 08:33
To: David Barnard-Wills <David.Barnard-Wills@trilateralresearch.com>
Cc: David Wright <David.wright@trilateralresearch.com>, 'STAR' <star@listserv.vub.ac.be>
Subject: RE: STAR II extension request


Dear David, dear All,


Please be informed that the PO has approved the extension of WP2 by another two months as requested by Trilateral:


“Given your explanations, we can accept a delay of two months for to complete the WP2 (and for that we do not need to do a formal amendment). Please keep in mind that with this acceptance only the WP2 submission delay has been prolonged. All other / consequent deadlines for submissions or the project end date is not prolonged.”


You can read the entire correspondence in the Participant Portal, under “Process communications”.






From: Kulitsán Gábor [mailto:kulitsan.gabor@naih.hu]
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 9:36 AM
To: 'David Barnard-Wills' <David.Barnard-Wills@trilateralresearch.com>; 'nagy.renata@naih.hu' <nagy.renata@naih.hu>
Cc: 'David Wright' <David.wright@trilateralresearch.com>
Subject: RE: STAR II extension request


Hi David,


I contacted the PO through the Participant Portal, but she has not replied so far. I’ll keep you posted on the subject matter.







From: David Barnard-Wills [mailto:David.Barnard-Wills@trilateralresearch.com]
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2019 1:30 PM
To: nagy.renata@naih.hu; Kulitsán Gábor <kulitsan.gabor@naih.hu>
Cc: David Wright <David.wright@trilateralresearch.com>
Subject: STAR II extension request


Dear Renata, Gábor,


My sincere apologies, but I'm afraid we need to put in a further extension request for WP2 of STAR II.

We can supply the text below to explain this to the project officer. I'm available if you need to discuss this further.


Would you be willing to pass this request on to the PO, please?


best wishes,





Trilateral  is requesting a further extension to completion of WP2. TRI asks for this extension with great reluctance in view of the extension already given. However, events are conspiring against our completing the work package on time for the following reasons:


For these reasons, we reluctantly request a delay of two months. From the long and successful collaborations in carrying out action grants for DG JUST, the Commission knows that we have rarely asked for an extension and do so only as we believe it is in the best interests of the project to produce excellent results with a two-month delay rather than patchy results according to the schedule. We will continue to provide our consortium partners with our interim findings as the work progresses and ensure that this delay does not impact subsequent deadlines or deliverables.




Dr David Barnard-Wills

Research Manager

Trilateral Research Ltd


Twitter: @dbarnardwills, @trilateral_UK


Working hours: 9.30-14.45 GMT Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri.




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