Dear Gabor,


It’s great to hear that the PO is very responsive.

I think this extension is not going to have a significant impact on WP4 and so it’s ok with VUB too.


I want to propose two more candidates for the EAB. I consulted both of them and they expressed interest in contributing to our work.


Luc Hendrickx works at the UEAPME secretariat in the unit concerning competitiveness of enterprises & external relations, legal affairs. On many occasions he addressed compliance with the GDPR for SMEs at EU institutions and he plans on providing comments on the handbook and sharing it with the member organisations. His email is: 

UEAPME (Union Européenne de l’Artisanat et des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises) is the employer’s organisation representing the interests of European crafts, trades and SMEs at EU level. UEAPME is a recognised European Social Partner and acts on behalf of crafts and SMEs in the European Social Dialogue and in discussions with the EU institutions. It is a non-profit seeking and non-partisan organisation.

As the European SME umbrella organisation, UEAPME incorporates 67 member organisations consisting of national cross-sectorial SME federations, European branch federations and other associate members, which support the SME family. Across the whole of Europe, UEAPME represents over 12 million enterprises with nearly 55 million employees.


Sebastiano Toffaletti from the European DIGITAL SME Alliance which is the largest network of the ICT small and medium sized enterprises in Europe, representing about 20.000 digital SMEs across the EU. The alliance is the joint effort of 28 national and regional SME associations from EU member states and neighbouring countries to put digital SME at the center of the EU agenda. Sebastiano may not be able to comment on the handbook and participate in all events but he is willing to share the handbook with the members of the alliance. His email: 


Do we have any other candidates for the EAB?

Best regards,


On 03 Oct 2018, at 10:03, Kulitsán Gábor <> wrote:

Dear David and All,
Good news, the PO gave the green light to the extension of WP2:
From: Kulitsán Gábor []
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 1:08 PM
To: 'STAR' <>
Subject: RE: [star] STAR II Ws2 extension request
Hi David,
I will forward the request to the PO and will get back to you with the answer. Personally I don’t think that this would be a problem, but we’ll see what the PO says.
From: [] On Behalf Of David Barnard-Wills
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 12:33 PM
To: STAR <>
Subject: [star] STAR II Ws2 extension request
Dear Julia, Gabor,  
I'm writing to ask that we request an extension for the deadline for workstream 2 of STAR II to M9 (April).
The reason for this request is we would like to ramp up more our Irish office in preparation for the validation workshop at the end of WS2, which we are hosting. We also want to assure an adequate venue for the workshop.
Our intention would be to adhere as closely as possible to the current deadlines for the written deliverables (D2.1 and D2.2) and preferably to have substantial drafts of these deliverables available at that point (given how they are needed to feed into WS3 and WS4). If you agree, we would like to shift the actual deliverable due dates by three months to April 2019.
A side-benefit of this change would be that we could include some promotion of the hotline at the Validation workshop in Dublin, and increase its international character.
Can you let me know your opinion on this, and apologies for any inconvenience.
Yours sincerely,
Dr David Barnard-Wills
Research Manager
Trilateral Research Ltd
Twitter: @dbarnardwills, @trilateral_UK
Working hours: 9.30-14.45 GMT Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri.
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