Hi Júlia,


Minor changes, contentwise it’s ok.





From: <star-bounces@listserv.vub.ac.be> on behalf of "sziklay.julia@naih.hu" <sziklay.julia@naih.hu>
Organization: N.A.I.H.
Reply-To: "sziklay.julia@naih.hu" <sziklay.julia@naih.hu>
Date: Monday, 27 November 2017 at 11:53
To: STAR <star@listserv.vub.ac.be>
Cc: 'Nagy Kata' <nagy.kata@naih.hu>
Subject: [star] FW: draft STAR press release
Resent-From: <istvan.mate.borocz@vub.be>


Hi all, Please, go through the final version and if it is o.k., give me a short feedback so we can forward it to Attila for signature. Julia