Dear All,

We have indicated our comments in green  (e.g….ence] NAIH: Art 30 (5) GDPR !!).

Two important comments:

-          regarding the extremely high cost of running a TV spot we would rather stick only to radio spots

-          since bearing the responsibility for the financial management of the project we insist on the fair financial compensation of our expert colleague, Peter Bazsa so “no cost” for him can not be accepted.


Kind regards,

Julia and Gábor

P.S.: The CV-s have not changed since StarProject 1.(?)





From: [] On Behalf Of Dariusz KLOZA
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2018 8:15 PM
Subject: [star] STAR2 proposal v3.5
Importance: High


dear all


many thanks for all your inputs thus far and – of course, your patience (and your hopes it would materialise at a certain point before the deadline). so, here it is – the almost complete, first version of the STAR2 proposal. in the DOC file you will find the standard project description, in the XLS file – the budget. please note these are NOT yet complete, we need your input.


re the DOC file:


  1. sect. 1.3 is still being worked on, Istvan will write it on Monday morning
  2. the text that is marked in some colours, blue, yellow, red, etc. will require your serious input: please add justifications when needed, verify the activities, add more references, links, etc. there are already a few remarks where any input is needed. we suggest DW & DBW have a go first, on Monday, putting as much as necessary, then NAIH on Tuesday morning. we need to work one-by-one. please note there are word limits and the whole proposal must be 30 pages max. with the font size 11pt at minimum. please mark your input with some (other) colour, as this stupid form doesn’t allow for tracking changes. it would be good if the file arrives back to us by Tuesday 17h00.
  3. please DO NOT change too much the WP structure. we know e.g. TRI is keen of analysing questions from the hotline, but pls squeeze new ideas (or those we forgot) into existing tasks. we can change their titles if necessary, but any revolution at this stage would not be fun…
  4. @NAIH: please complete your partner’s description and indicate the personnel involved (sect. 1.8)
  5. speaking of which: please prepare up-to-date CVs of all people mentioned there. preferably europass format, but this is not a strict requirement. please send them in PDF format each one, with a file name, e.g. STAR2_VUB_kloza.pdf.
  6. @NAIH: on the very last page, pls fill in the digits in the second table, 5th column.


for the XLS file:


  1. pls verify the PMs distribution for your institution. please check if travel money is sufficient (we assumed €1k per trip per person, incl. travel + accommodation + subsistence). @NAIH: pls verify the cost of the media campaign.
  2. pls verify if your 20% input is ok for you. again, this is an accounting problem, don’t be scared.
  3. pls note the digits about costs in DOC do not yet correspond to the XLS. this will be fixed at the very last moment.
  4. (the other XLS file is the GANTT chart – rather for your records only…)


in general:


  1. each of you has been added already to participant’s portal (PP) to this proposal – if someone is missing, pls let us know.
  2. after Tuesday night, you will receive the penultimate version to have a go. the intention is to submit on Thursday morning. (deadline 17h00, but the system might crash. it does so v. often.)
  3. any other comments/suggestions are more than welcome. if we have forgotten something, pls remind us. we’re only humans.


looking forward to hearing from you.

keep calm, we’re almost there…


thanks & all the best

d. & i.


Dariusz Kloza, LL.M.
d.pia.lab   |   Brussels Laboratory for Data Protection & Privacy Impact Assessments
Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)   |   Faculty of Law and Criminology
Room 4B306, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene, Brussels, Belgium   |  |   |   +32 2 629 11 96   |   @DarekKloza
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