Dear all,


Please find attached the latest version of D3.1. Please check it and send your comments/changes by tomorrow eob. After that it will be submitted.


The materials have been uploaded to the website to a new page, so the links in the deliverable work:


In owncloud a new folder has been created called “STAR training materials”. From now on if you make any changes on the slides use only those and mark the date of change in the name (e.g. STAR topic 4 - controllers and processors_0228.pptx). these documents will be uploaded to the website whenever a change occur.


You can also find attached a draft layout and a sample material. Modifications are welcome.

However, once a layout is applied to the slides the colouring on the edges disappears, so the trainer loses the colour-related info. An alternative solution is needed which would not be affected by the layout switching/personalization. For example a coloured circle (dot?) next to the title of each slide.




From: <> on behalf of Istvan Mate BOROCZ <>
Date: Wednesday, 27 February 2019 at 20:35
To: STAR <>
Subject: [star] D3.1 draft
Resent-From: <>


dear all,


please find attached the draft of D3.1.


Please check:

these lists could be then copied in the notes of the intro slides of the respective presentations


the formatting of the forms and sheets changed only because of the deliverable format.


d3.2 is expected to have the same content, short of the training scenarios.




István Böröcz, LL.M.


Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS)   |   Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

Room 4C339, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium