Dear Gabor, dear all,


Please find enclosed a draft programme for the validation workshop on the guidance and on the handbook that is scheduled for 22 of April.

It’s our internal version and it includes some provisional speakers. None of them have been contacted so far but we are going to approach them next week after receiving your feedback. If you have some speakers in mind that we should consider/invite, please let us know.

We intend to organise nearly a full day event on the second day of the preliminary  EDPB meeting in a hope that some DPA representatives will join the event or at least a part of it. From the programme you can see that we also hope that you will provide support to the event by making presentations, in particular, the ones in the afternoon part on DPAs’ hotline practices and on the dedicated hotline for SMEs.


We would appreciate receiving your comments by Wednesday morning or earlier if that is possible.


Wishing you a nice weekend,  



Lina Jasmontaite

Doctoral researcher

Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS)

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

Brussels Privacy Hub (BPH)

Room 4B306, Pleinlaan 2, 1050

Brussels, Belgium |