Dear Lina! / Dear All!

Thank you for your comment, of course our agenda is flexible.

Regarding your accommodation I called the hotel and checked the availability of the rooms. The hotel offered a little discount for your reservation (85 €/night for a standard room), this can be applied if you make a reservation via e-mail. While making a reservation please refer to the Hungarian Data Protection Authority (Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság) and ask for the agreed price. You can find more information about the Hotel Belvedere at the webpage of the hotel.

Concerning the travel to and from the airport you can find detailed information at the following webpage:

From the hotel you can travel to the NAIH by tram (line 56 or 61) from Nyúl utca to the direction of Hűvösvölgy and you should get off at the stop Budagyöngye (the fourth stop). A map is enclosed.

If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact me!





Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: [star] STAR II KOM September


Dear Renata, 


Thank you for sharing a comprehensive list of points to discuss during the KOM. I have no additions to make at this point.

I am not certain that 3 hours will be enough time to address each point. Perhaps, we can have some flexibility in our agenda and move lunch to a later hour if needed.


*I sent you my travel arrangements in a separate email. Thanks for your help in advance.


Best regards,





On 31 Jul 2018, at 14:00, Istvan Mate BOROCZ <> wrote:


Hi Renáta,

The logo can be found in owncloud -


Regarding the star 2 logo – the logo was designed with a successful star2 proposal in mind. the star in the logo resembles an asterisk. For the star 2 logo there could be another one (with the different full name of course):


** SupporT small And medium enterprises on the data protection Reform II




From: <> on behalf of "" <>
Date: Tuesday, 31 July 2018 at 12:14
To: STAR <>
Subject: [star] STAR II KOM September
Resent-From: <>


Dear All!

The 10th of September is also OK for us.

The event will be organised at the NAIH (H-1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C. - map). We would like to start the meeting at 10 a.m. and finish at 1 p.m, so we can have a nice lunch afterwards.

If you let me know your arrival and leaving date I gladly check the available rooms and prices at the Hotel Belvedere (if you liked it last November).

Please find enclosed the draft Agenda of the KOM. Any suggestions are welcomed!

Finally we kindly ask you to think about the logo of the STAR II and share the ideas so we can use the logo asap.


Best regards,





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