Hi Filippo,


please find attached my comments






István Böröcz, LL.M.


d.pia.lab   |   Brussels Laboratory for Data Protection & Privacy Impact Assessments

Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS)   |   Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

Room 4C339, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

http://www.vub.ac.be/LSTS/   |   http://dpialab.brussels




From: star-bounces@listserv.vub.ac.be <star-bounces@listserv.vub.ac.be> On Behalf Of Filippo Marchetti
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 4:35 PM
To: star@listserv.vub.ac.be
Subject: [star] Draft Deliverable D2.2 Report on the findings of the interviews


Dear Partners, 



as discussed in our last Skype meeting, please find attached the draft of deliverable D2.2 (Report on the findings of the interviews) for your review. 


In order to remain on schedule, we would kindly ask you to send back your comments and proposed amendments no later than 18 May, for us to be able to implement them before drafting the Executive Summary and consolidating the final version for the upload. 


As per common practice, we would be glad if you could use the “Track changes” feature of MS Word for us to easily locate your changes.


We are looking forward to receiving your feedback.



Best wishes,






Dr Filippo Marchetti

Trilateral Research Ltd.

72 Hammersmith Road, London W14 8TH

+44 (0) 2075593550
