Hi David, all,


Thank you for your comments! The deliverable has been modified accordingly and submitted yesterday evening. Please find the document attached.


On another matter: @all please fill out the doodle for the July telco where the agenda regarding the upcoming months’ work should be discussed.  https://doodle.com/poll/d323riti6c9x4y49





From: David Barnard-Wills <David.Barnard-Wills@trilateralresearch.com>
Date: Friday, 29 June 2018 at 15:36
To: Istvan Mate BOROCZ <Istvan.Mate.Borocz@vub.be>
Cc: STAR <star@listserv.vub.ac.be>, "filippo.marchetti@trilateralresearch.com" <Filippo.Marchetti@trilateralresearch.com>
Subject: RE: star deliverable d1.3
Resent-From: <Istvan.Mate.Borocz@vub.be>


Hi Istvan,


A quick response, as I have to leave in a few minutes, and Filippo is off today. The following is not proof-read, so please use your judgement when including it in the report


You can include a reference to D2.1 on page 8, as I believe this deliverable is essentially the questions that were agreed in that meeting, no?


For the missing info on page 10, in that second meeting we discussed:


If you need to add more detail here, you can find the working document we used here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gJI5W_ZoBJntVCnjNTOYUQVFOlKP55qiFdxY5hosn2E/edit

The comments show much of our discussion in that call.





Dr David Barnard-Wills

Research Manager

Trilateral Research Ltd


Twitter: @dbarnardwills, @trilateral_UK


Working hours: 9.30-14.45 GMT Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri.




Crown House

72 Hammersmith Road


W14 8TH



From: Istvan Mate BOROCZ <Istvan.Mate.Borocz@vub.be>
Sent: 29 June 2018 14:09
To: David Barnard-Wills <David.Barnard-Wills@trilateralresearch.com>; Filippo Marchetti <Filippo.Marchetti@trilateralresearch.com>; Kulitsán Gábor <kulitsan.gabor@naih.hu>
Subject: star deliverable d1.3


Hi all,


Please find attached the draft of D1.3 First Coordination meeting. Minutes of the meeting of 2 star telcos from 15 jan and 27 apr. please have a look and add your comments.


The submission deadline is tomorrow so sorry for the late distribution (in exchange the document is rather short)






István Böröcz, LL.M.


d.pia.lab   |   Brussels Laboratory for Data Protection & Privacy Impact Assessments

Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS)   |   Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

Room 4C339, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

http://www.vub.ac.be/LSTS/   |   http://dpialab.brussels

