Dear all,


Yesterday Unit C3 of the DG JUST organised its kick-off meeting for the action grants under the RDAT-AG-TRAI-2016 “Support training activities on the data protection reform” call (i.e. for STAR I and its sister projects). The meeting had 2 main parts:


Regarding the management: it was a really thorough overview with plenty of helpful information. They promised to share the slides, will be forwarded immediately. Since the online system is entirely new for the DG JUST, practically STAR I (and the sister projects) is the first where they use it. This means they request feedback and they are happy to assist us in order to discover the system together.


Regarding the status of the projects: it is clear that whereas the other projects focus on dissemination and training STAR I focuses on the content. For example: one project organises 20(!) workshops, the other project creates training materials from the FRA data protection handbook, the third focuses only on DPOs, the fourth only on judges, etc. After presenting the project and its current status the reviewers nodded and asked only one question: how do we plan to disseminate (to compare: others received 3-8 questions).


At the end of the day they ensured us that altogether every project is doing ok so far, there are no big problems.


The reviewers promised to comment the already submitted deliverables (i.e. accept, reject, comment) within a month.


That being said, a proposition: have the upcoming quarterly telco once the first version of the materials are done (somewhere mid-october). Doodle to be followed.






István Böröcz, LL.M.


d.pia.lab   |   Brussels Laboratory for Data Protection & Privacy Impact Assessments

Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS)   |   Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

Room 4C339, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium   |

