In addition to my previous mail:


The Gibraltar Regulatory Authority published a GDPR guidance for SMEs on its website. In the Annex of the guidance there is a detailed questionnaire for SMEs to assess their compliance with the GDPR. Maybe we can get some ideas.






From: Kulitsán Gábor []
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 12:52 PM
To: 'STAR' <>
Subject: STAR II - information on developments


Dear All,


Regarding STAR II I would like to inform you about the following:


1.       The Consortium Agreement has been finalized (see attached). It was printed in 3 copies, so after signing each partner can have an original one of it. Our President will sign the CAs tomorrow, and then we will send them to VUB, which will forward it to TRI to it’s London-address as requested by DBW during the KOM if I remember correctly.

2.       I’ve asked our Financial Department to prepare the transfer of the first instalment, so that the payment can be made a.s.a.p.

3.       I submitted deliverable D1.1 (see attached) to the COM on 30 September 2018. It was submitted late but I informed the PO about the situation before the original deadline.

4.       The press release on the launch of STAR II has been finalized as well (see attached). It will be published on NAIH’s website, and as far as I know, it will also appear in the newsletter of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

5.       István informed me that they will receive the logo in the next few days, and then they will make the necessary modifications on the existing website (

6.       István created a folder for STAR II on OwnCloud ( I will create the same folder structure as STAR I has and I will upload some documents as well.  

7.       We have to submit D1.4 (Composition of Advisory Board) until 30 November 2018. I kindly ask you to send me the contact details of your candidates, so we can compile the list of suggested members and we can initiate the communication with them a.s.a.p.


