Dear Colleague,


Thank you for registering to the Support training activities on the data protection reform (STAR) - Final conference, held at 17 October 2019 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (link).


During the event we introduced the EU co-funded project, STAR (Support Training Activities on the data protection Reform) and its final outcomes:


During the event attendees were also provided with the STAR handbook for supporting training activities in the data protection reform, which aims to aid the trainers in using the STAR materials. Please find the handbook attached.


Both the training materials and the handbook are freely and publicly available in a digital form at the project’s website:


To further increase the quality of the materials and to develop a supporting handbook for trainers we encourage you to use them during your training activities.


Furthermore, we would like to ask you to share your impressions and opinion by filling this short questionnaire:  


Thank you for helping us develop and ameliorate the STAR training materials.


Best regards,

István Böröcz – on behalf of the STAR consortium