Hi all,


We have an option with D4.2, and I would like your perspective before I commit us to anything -

One of the materials we said we might deliver was a "training handbook"


I had assumed this would be a short GDPR handbook/quick reference for use in the training, that trainees could take away with them.


It occurs to us that instead, we could produce a "training handbook" for trainers - in which we would put


We could also update this with our observations from the pilot exercises and other experience gained in the project - this way we can make that knowledge useful to practitioners.


What do you think?


If you can tell me "Yes, lets do that" or "no, stick with the intro handbook" in the next couple of hours, I'll add it into D4.2 and we can then circulate that for review today.


Best wishes,







Dr David Barnard-Wills

Research Manager

Trilateral Research Ltd


Twitter: @dbarnardwills, @trilateral_UK


Working hours: 9.30-14.45 GMT Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri.




Crown House

72 Hammersmith Road


W14 8TH
