Dear David,


Please take a look at the attached excel sheet with the upcoming deadlines for the deliverables both in star 1 and 2. February and March 2019 have quite a noteworthy overlap with the main deliverables in star 1 (training materials) and the first set of deliverables in star 2 (interviews and report on sota).


Should the dates in august be problematic for the kom, it could be held in M2 as well. From an administrative point of view 1 oct would be still fine (deadline of the gap is 27 oct, thus the automatic start of the project is the first day of the subsequent month – 1 nov) but rather late.


However, the ga is (in)formally accepted by the po. Since the consortium is the same if there are no comments or suggestions for additions/modifications concerning the star 1 ca 1 july would be also imaginable (though both the ca and the ec signature should be pushed through within a week).




From: david com <>
Date: Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 18:51
To: Istvan Mate BOROCZ <>, kulitsan hu <>, STAR <>
Subject: Re: [star] STAR II
Resent-From: <>


Hi, Istvan,


We would prefer 1 Sept.  We do not see any serious overlap with STAR 1.


Aug is problematic for two reasons – half of Europe is on holidays and, more importantly, 23 Aug is the deadine for security proposals. 1 Oct is a bit scary as Oct seems to be the deadline for the EC. All is all, we suggest 1 Sept.


Thanks and best.





From: <> on behalf of Istvan Mate BOROCZ <>
Date: Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 12:23
To: Gábor Kulitsán <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [star] STAR II


Dear Gábor, all,


Finally, really good news!


2 short comments:




From: <> on behalf of kulitsan hu <>
Organization: NAIH
Date: Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 12:07
To: STAR <>
Subject: [star] STAR II
Resent-From: <>


Dear All,


Finally, the PO of STAR I-II showed signs of life. Today she called me and sent the following message in the Participant Portal (you can read it if you log in):


“Start date of the implementation period


Dear Mr Kulitsán,

As explained on the phone earlier today, all data introduced in the Participant Portal for the preparation of the grant agreement are fine and we are ready to launch the procedure for the signature of the grant agreement. The project implementation start date indicated in the Participant Portal is 1 June 2018 but I understand that you have not started any project activities yet. Therefore before launching the signature process I would appreciate if you could confirm the start date to be indicated in the grant agreement (which will also correspond to the first day of eligibility of costs). You may choose a date that is most convenient for the implementation of the project regardless of the theoretical dates indicated in the Participant Portal. (Please keep in mind holiday seasons that could interfere with key activities of the project.)


Best regards,

Anne De Wolf”


According to the timeline in the PP the deadline for signing the grant agreement is 27 October 2018, but I think we should not wait until then. Considering the message and the fact that we definitely should avoid overlaps with deadlines for submission of deliverables in STAR I, I hereby would like to ask you whether you have any suggestions or preferred  date to start STAR II?






Gábor Kulitsán

freedom of information expert

National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

Department of Freedom of Information

Address: H-1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet Fasor 22/C.

Postal Address: H-1530 Budapest, Pf. 5.

Tel: +36 1 391 1422

Fax: +36 1 391 1410

