Dear all,


this is to update you on the feedback received so far concerning the guidance for DPAs and handbook for SMEs.


For the Guidance for DPAs, we did not receive substantial comments on how to improve it, it is generally clear and understandable. Since there was interest in the questions raised by SMEs and the level of details of the replies given by NAIH, perhaps we could include some Q&A in an annex, but it is a decision of NAIH.   


@David Barnard-Wills, Lina told me that TRI offered to take care of the layout of the Guidance (for online publication). Could you please get in touch with your graphic designers and follow up? It would be great to have the Guidance ready for online publication by Thursday 20 August, so we can share it with speakers and participants a couple of weeks before the event. You may use the document in attachment as starting point.     


For the Handbook for SMEs, it was noted that the document is comprehensive but still too complex and theoretical. More real-life examples and practical advice would be beneficial.

VUB is working on further simplifying the theoretical part, but @Gábor KULITSÁN, @'Nagy Renáta' and @Julia SZIKLAY, for the real-life examples and practical advice, we need NAIH help.

In attachment, you may find the draft D4.1 that was circulated for feedback in May. For each topic, I included some yellow boxes where you may include further real-life examples and practical advice/tips on how to implement certain provisions of the GDPR in practice, on the basis of the questions received and the replies given via the hotline. Please also refer to decisions issued by NAIH concerning SMEs (if any).

It would be great if you may send your contribution by Thursday 6 August so that, around mid-August, we can share the updated handbook with TRI for comments and finalize it before the event.


Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.


Best regards,


Alessandra Calvi, LL.M.


d.pia.lab   |   Brussels Laboratory for Data Protection & Privacy Impact Assessments
Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)   |   Faculty of Law and Criminology
Room 4B306, Pleinlaan 2, 1050, Brussels, Belgium