Dear Lina,


I know, I’m a little bit confused about this too, especially since we have explained everything in the deliverable…


Anyway, if you could share any information (e.g. number of people interested, feedbacks received, etc.) on the panel at CPDB with me, then I will put it in the deliverable.






Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020 11:32 AM
To: Kulitsán Gábor <>
Cc: 'STAR' <>; Sziklay Júlia <>; 'Nagy Renáta' <>; David Barnard-Wills <>; Leanne Cochrane <>
Subject: RE: [STAR II] Deliverable D4.2 rejected


Dear Gabor,


I am a bit puzzled about this rejection letter. D4.2 in general should include a summary of the workshop of that is going to take place in BXL. I am not sure of a more detailed description of the panel at CPDP will be suffice in this case. We can share a provisional concept of the event at this point.  

If I recall it well, during the KOM we decided to merge the two workshops in order to be able to economise our travel budget and to get EAB members to attend this event. 


This rejection certainly puts a lot of pressure on the upcoming event in Brussels.


Best regards,



From: Kulitsán Gábor <>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020 9:39 AM
To: Lina JASMONTAITE <>; Leanne Cochrane <>; David Barnard-Wills <>; 'Nagy Renáta' <>; Sziklay Júlia <>
Cc: 'STAR' <>
Subject: [STAR II] Deliverable D4.2 rejected


Dear All,


The PO has requested the revision of Deliverable D4.2. (The rejection letter and the deliverable are enclosed).


In addition to the letter the policy unit made the following comments (see “Process communications” in the Research Portal):


“Regarding the other deliverable submitted: WP4 D4.2 D14 Third validation workshop (Dublin)


If I understand correctly, the EC asks us to briefly report on the CPDP conference. @VUB and/or @TRI: Could you please summarize what happened at the CPDB and what was the outcome?



