Dear Gabor,


Please find a the progress report including the requested financial details.

The numbers are accurate in their current state, but could you please add a note in the report recognizing that they are draft numbers since there’s always a possibility of invoices lying on someone’s desk at this stage, also the staff costs may change.


Kind regards,



From: <>
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2019 2:59 PM
Cc: 'STAR' <>
Subject: RE: [star] STAR II_Progress Report (D1.2) and newsletter


Dear Lina,


Please, be so kind as to send the completed document to Gábor’s email address as unfortunately I will not be at the office for a while. The report is due at the end of August, therefore we would like to finalize it as soon as possible.


Thank you for your additions to the newsletter, we are happily ready for further discussion.







Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 5:25 PM
Cc: 'STAR' <>
Subject: RE: [star] STAR II_Progress Report (D1.2) and newsletter


Dear Renata,


Thank you for preparing the progress report and the newsletter.

I request our finance department to provide the financial details and I will send them over as soon I as receive them.

As for the newsletter, I think it requires some further work. I provided my additions. I think this newsletter could focus on the results of WP2 instead of questions received by the hotline. These questions, however, could be further clarified and presented in the newsletter to come. They have to be rather frequent now.


Happy to discuss this further.


Best regards,





From: <> On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, August 9, 2019 2:34 PM
To: 'STAR' <>
Subject: [star] STAR II_Progress Report (D1.2) and newsletter


Dear All,


Please, find enclosed the draft Progress Report (D1.2) and fill out the missing parts marked with yellow and complete the document (especially regarding WP2 and WP4). Please, send your contributions no later than 14 August (Wednesday).


Furthermore a newsletter on the SME hotline is attached. Please, circulate it on the contact lists of the STAR II project. If you would like to add or delete any parts, please, feel free to do so.


Thank you very much in advance!



